In the mist she was standing
Hiding beyond those walls
Always begged her to talk
Heard silence in empty halls
Not even a sound whispered
As I tapped away silently
Trying to suede grasping her
My heart shines so brightly
Seeing her every so often
I tug at her not to let go
She looks at me grudgingly
Her mist only fades for show
Held onto her words so tight
Never know why I always do
She brings out the best in me
The one thing I wish she knew
Leaving with giving no sign
Her ways I cannot understand
Always told me I must leave
Feelings fade in shaking hands
I know she feels my emotions
This she always seem to share
Our unheard bond inside of us
Dreams of her being so near
Opened up to her once more
I see she wants me to touch
Then I wonder as she stops me
I always say I miss her so much
My Desire, My Shame
PoetrySomething I wrote about a person who I opened up to but never reciprocated her feelings for me nor did she ever tell me how she truly felt.