group activities, <3

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a name again lolololol, her name is addie. ages: addie, 18 and the triplets, 19.


warnings: swearing and chris being an idiot but it's ok bc we love him <3


addie's pov:

the order of the car went matt in drivers seat, chris in the front and me and nick in the back. ''on a scale of one to ten, how hot it tinkerbell?'' nick asked as i laughed with my mouth, agape.

''well, i'd smash.'' chris shrugged as matt chuckled. ''with addie looking like tinkerbell already, i'd say she's hot.''

matt said, while nick aww'd. 'so cute- anyway, i'm gay so maybe likea 6?'' nick reasoned as i nodded. ''sounds right.''

we dabbed each other up and laughed. ''okay, okay. i've got one,'' i started while christ let out a go on. ''the fox from zootopia.''

i finished as nick yelled- as loud as he could. ''SMASH, 100% HE'S HOT I DON'T CARE WHAT Y'ALL SAY!'' he said truthfully.

''i mean, he's okay. he's not that attractive considering he's a fictional character and a pixel but whatever.'' chris sighed. ''you fucking suck at this game, addie.''

''bitch. at least i didn't say tinkerbell was hot.'' i said, gesturing to matt. he gasped,

''i said she was only hot becuase she looks like you and you're hot!'' he argued as we all laughed. ''you guys are so annoying.''

he pouted, playfully. '''come on, bernard. we're just having fun!'' i ruffled his hair around as we started playing again.


as me and me and matt watched a movie in the boston house's living room, he got up, taking my hand and leading me to the kitchen. ''what's up?'' i questioned.

he lifted me to the counted and stood between my legs, hugging me while he sent a wave of chills down my spine because of his breath hitting my neck.

''you sure? i love it when you're like this but you're kinda scaring me.'' i answered, truthfully.

he pulled back and his mouth was open. ''wow okay, just because i wanted to hug my girlfriend means i am not good? wowww.'' he responded, jokingly.

''be quiet, bernard.'' i pulled him into a kiss that lead to a smile on his face. ''i love you, addie.'' he smiled. ''i love you, matt.''

P ink + white,  matt sturniolo imagines Where stories live. Discover now