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A/n: ......hi

I really have no excuse for my absence...I just, didn't have the motivation to write 😭🙏.

Very sorry!!! 🙏🙏🙏






"Alright so, its like hide and seek you know but outside and...its in the dark." Bachira explained, since Bachira is the one who brought the game up, he was nominated to be seeker first.

"Okay...so we're using our phones as torches?" Chigiri asked.

"Is there like, a barrier for how far we can go out?" Hyo questioned.

"Can I go back to sleep?" Nagi yawned.

"Yes, yes and no." Bachira nodded with a smile.

"Okay so how far can we go out?" Chigiri asked.

"I'd say just stay in between the hall and the field, that's pretty big but decent." Bachira explained.

"Uh...alright." Reo nodded.

"Now hurry up and hide, I'm gonna start counting." Bachira said as he covered his eyes and started counting to 60.

"1....2....3....5..wait, no 4...5...6..."

Isagi just slowly wandered around...having no idea where he should hide. He would've gone to the closest hiding place..which would be the toilets, but Isagi knew that would be the first place to be checked.

Isagi just decided to climb a tree and sit down on a branch making sure he was hidden in the leaves...even though now he couldn't see, but he hoped that he'd be able to see the flashlight coming near.

It was pretty cold out..and Isagi was only just wearing a thin hoodie...he should've accepted the jacket Hyo was offering to him...oh how Isagi wished he should've.

Though, he then felt some branches shake and move...it seemed as if he wasn't the only one to hide in the tree...Isagi was curious and stood up on the branch and jumped onto the other side and took a peek to see who it was.

Though, Isagi hadn't seen anyone...Isagi narrowed his eyes in confusion and tilted his head to the side slightly...till he felt a jacket being wrapped around him from behind, it surprised him a lot, to the point he almost fell off the tree...of an arm wrapping itself around his waist stopping him from falling off.

"What're you doing out here this late?" The same sharp voice spoke....it was familiar.

Isagi turned around to stare at the person who was currently holding him in place...cherry hair...cold expression... familiar features with Rin...oh, it was Sae.

"Ah...playing spotlight, I think the game was." Isagi explained as he switched his gaze now looking elsewhere.

"Why aren't you keeping warm?" Sae asked, nothing about his tone of voice changing.

"Look I didn't know it'd be this cold." Isagi sighed.

Isagi just happened to hear footsteps slowly coming near, okay definitely not slowly, Bachira was skipping around. Isagi placed his hand over Sae's mouth to stop him from talking as he saw the phone flashlight scanning the area.

Bachira seemingly stayed for a minute or so before leaving as he didn't find anyone...so Isagi slowly took his hand off Sae's mouth when he knew it was safe enough to do so.

"...why are you out this late?" Isagi questioned.

"I was grabbing something I forgot in the locker room...till I saw you climbing a tree." Sae explained as he shrugged a little.

"...are you planning to remove your arm from me?" Isagi asked as he would've expected Sae to remove his arm quite a while ago.

Sae happened to just realise he was still holding Isagi and quickly retracted his arm and awkwardly stood behind Isagi.

"My bad..." Sae mumbled before sighing.

"It's fine, don't worry." Isagi nodded.

Isagi had a few questions he wanted to ask Sae...but this was definitely the first time him and Sae actually had a full conversation before, so he decided against that idea.

But instead came up with another question to ask.








just...I need motivation 💔💔

Also, tysm for 60k+ in this book??

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