2.0 Chapter 24: Hesitation

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I do apologize for the short chapter. I'm hoping this one helps a little. To ease the pain of a short one.


Chat Noir's POV

Her hair smelled like pineapple. For some reason. Her bluebell eyes stared back at me. With confusion and something I couldn't point too quick enough. Because the second I blinked it was gone.

"Just...stay..." I said.
She gave me a nod, which didn't help the unknown feelings stirring inside me.
"Do you want to talk about what is bothering you?" Marinette asks.

Why do I come to her. I know she's just a friend. Or is she? She understands Chat Noir. Will she understand Adrian? Of course not! I can't tell her who I am. Ladybug will take away the ring. And then it'll all be over. I'll be back to being a normal teenager. Just like Marinette.

"Have you ever fallen in love with a masked stranger?" I asked, a foolish question.
"Aren't we all strangers? I mean...you just have a mask I can see. But everyone wears a mask." She answers. How is she so wise. So good? How can someone be just so pure like Marinette.
"You're amazing, I don't know if I say it enough." I say...
"Thank you. But I'm sure that wasn't the reason you wanted to talk...are you okay?"

(Quick change to Mari's POV)

"I have feelings for Ladybug. They'll never really go away. But I have...stronger feelings for someone else." He says. His words make sense. I feel the same way about Adrian and Chat Noir.
"I'm in the same...problem." I muttered.
"Is Luk-who is this someone else?"
"Well...you remember the love letter I wrote to tell...him. I didn't. And this other...he's just as kind and good...I can't...choose...I don't know if my feelings for both of them have deepened or changed in some way. I don't know if I love them or like them anymore..."
"I'm in the same predicament, Marinette."

I glanced at him as I stared. He knows my identity?

Oh stupid Marinette, you're not transformed.

But that felt so real. So...true.

It felt as if he was talking to Ladybug. Not Marinette.

"Have you talked to Ladybug?" I asked.
Chat chuckled.
"She'll chuck me across the planet. Honestly, haven't you realized, she doesn't feel the same way about me as I did."
"If I have feelings for one, I have to let go of the other."

"What if you can't?" I asked.
"Then...I'll stop. Just stop...maybe I'm not meant to be with them at all."
"Maybe there is someone out there for you, Chat Noir. Waiting." I implied.
"I hope. And I'm sure there is someone for you too, Marinette. There has to be for a strong, kind and caring girl like you."

I wish it was you...

"What if I let go of one?" I asked.
"Then...I guess you chose. And if you can't, you didn't choose. Maybe your love for them is similar."
"I think you should take your own advice, Chat Noir." I said. A small smile flourished on my features.
"I should. Is it okay if I come back when I choose?" Chat Noir asked.
"Yes...it's all fine. Thank you, Chat Noir."
"Thank you, Marinette."

And then he leaped away.
"Who are you going to let go, Marinette?" Tikki asked.
"I can't choose. I never will be able to, Tikki."
"What if you have to?" Tikki asked.
"I might let them both go." I muttered.


Adrian's POV

I detransformed and my mind was stuck on the conversation I had with Marinette. She spoke the truth. I have to choose. I can't be with both of them. Marinette and Ladybug were different people and...what if I still can't let go of one? What if I still love them? Would that not be cheating?

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