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Ju-won spent 30 more minutes at the cemetry, in front of the grave

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Ju-won spent 30 more minutes at the cemetry, in front of the grave.

There weren't any people which gave her feeling of calm.

It was just herself and her parents. The small pond and a few trees next to her.

After she stopped crying, she walked over to the stone. She put her hand on it.

"I love you, mom and dad" She said before going heading back to the entrance.

The exit would have been on the completely other side of the cemetry so she went back to the big sign on the entrance.

When she reached it, she took a short look on her phone to see how late it was.

June 28th 2023, 9:08pm.

Ju-won spent one hour at the cemetry. Much people was scared of it because it was very lonely and sad there but especially this was the thing Ju-won loved the most at being at the cemetry.

She was alone, alone with her parents. She could talk to them. She could feel near to them.

Ju-won put her phone back in her pocket and started walking the forest way along again.

It started to get a bit cold and windy so she hid her hands in her sleeves.

The sun has already set so it was kinda dark outside. Not like you couldn't see anything but it was hard to recognize all of the flowers on the side of the way, Ju-won saw on her way to the cemetry.

She hasn't seen anyone until then but she noticed a man was behind her. Enough distance to her but he walked the same way she walked.

A few minutes later she reached the street. It was only a few minutes until she would reach her house.

She carefully turned around and saw the man still behind her. He seemed like an older man.

Maybe around 50 years. She wasn't sure.

He had a full bag with vodka around his shoulder. He seemed a bit scary. But maybe it was just a man who wanted to go home and whose home is near hers.

Ju-won walked a bit faster just in case he was one of the men you often see on tv. The ones that would follow young girls and want them to get drunk just to make bad things with her afterwards.

"Hey girl, are you alone here?"

Ju-won winced before stop walking. She knew that the man talked to her because there weren't other people around her.

She just ignored his question and continued walking. She noticed he started walking faster. So she did it too.

"Hey why aren't you answering? Didn't your parents raise you well? Haha" The man talked again.

He sounded very drunk. Ju-won never met drunk people before. But she knew that you have to be careful with them.

She ignored him again and just walked straight ahead. She just wanted to be home as fast as possible.

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