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Double update!!!!!

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Double update!!!!!

In veer's office

Veer was sitting in his office chair, staring at a photo. A small smile appeared on his face for a few seconds.

'What are you doing to me? Stop this. I seriously don't understand this feeling. Is it love or obsession? Whatever it is, I'm liking it. I liked you from the moment I saw you. *chuckle* You are really something. You've done what no one else could—you've melted this cold heart of mine. Only for YOU, this heart is mad for you. But you know what? I can't fall in love. I can't show my feelings, especially to you. I can't give you the love you deserve. In fact, you deserve the whole world. I will give you whatever you want—clothes, jewellery, everything—but I can't give you, my love. I'm sorry, really sorry. I mean it. All these years, from the day I saw you, I vowed to make you mine. And now that you're coming to me, I can't love you or cherish you. I don't want certain things to happen again. I don't want to lose you. Surely, you will get whatever you wish for, except me. You were, you are, and you will be only mine. My love, my Ishaq, my ISHANI.'

He chuckled at his own thoughts. Someone sitting a little distance away was watching all this and shook his head at his friend's behaviour.

"Veer, can I ask you something?"

Hearing him, Veer just hummed, focusing entirely on his Ishaq.

"Do you love her?" he asked.

Veer looked up from the photo and saw his friend and assistant, Siddhartha Singh...

"Yes, I do," he confessed.

"Then why the hell don't you want to show her? Damn, Veer, don't be childish. From day one, you've been saying Ishani is yours, and even now, you still do. You've always had her in your heart. We all can see how much you love her; no one can love her as much as you do. So why are you backing off when she's going to be your wife soon?"

Veer sighed.

"Sid, you know everything."

"Yes, we know, but we also know that no one can protect her like you do. You're just denying it because of a small event. You know you're capable of protecting her from any danger," someone said as they entered his office, or should I say, scolded him.

"Have some manners. This is not your home but my office," Veer said, glaring at him.

"Yeah, yeah, bhai, now just answer," he said while sitting beside Siddharth.

"I don't know what's bothering me, but I don't want to discuss this topic. And what are you doing here?"

"Oh, yeah, I came here to give you this file. Dad said so," Ronit said, handing him the file.

Veer just hummed and started to check the file. His and Ronit's dad's company, which he would soon become CEO of, Singhania Comp., was undergoing a project together.

"Umm, guys, this week was really hectic and our Hukum's mood isn't great, so let's go to the club. What do you say?" Ronit suddenly asked.

"I'm in," Siddharth agreed.

"Me too," came a voice from the door. Their stood Aarav.

"Great, and you're coming too, Hukum Sa," Siddharth said to Veer.

"I'm busy," Veer replied in a bored tone.

"Come on, Yaar, it's always the same drama with you," Ronit whined.

"You're not a kid, Ronit, so stop acting like one. And no, I'm not co—"

"He's coming," Siddharth cut him off.

Veer just sighed at his friends and continued his work. Soon after some more talk, Aarav and Siddharth went back to their tasks, and Ronit left for his company.

| In Rathore mansion |

Everyone was sitting silently in the hall, and Pari was on a call with her daughter, but she was also silent.

"Wh... what! What are you saying, Ma?" After a long pause, a sweet voice came from the other side.

"You mean everything is arranged, and moreover, he agreed?"

Ishani said again, "He didn't agree, beta. He just said whatever you decide will be finalized. well, if we see it like this then yeah, he does agree " Bhavya explained to her.

Abhinav took the phone from them and asked, "Ishani beta, what's your decision?"

"Dad, what's all this? Please explain correctly, I'm confused," Abhinav chuckled at his daughter.

"Beta, during lunch, Annapurna Ma said she really likes you and wants to make you her granddaughter-in-law. We talked to Veer, and he said whatever you decide will be final."

"Did you and Mom agree?" she asked him nervously.

"Beta, we are happy, and from our side, it's a yes. See, princess, we like their family, and since we've known them for a long time, marrying you there is like you are going to another family, not to strangers. We've seen Veer since he was small, and we know he will keep you happy. But what matters most here is your answer."

Abhinav explained to his daughter calmly.

"I have to think, Papa."

"It's okay, my child. Take your time and then answer."

He said and cut the call. Engrossed in the conversation, he had moved to another side of the room.

"Is it a, no?" Annapurna asked, seeing his neutral face.

"No, no, Ma. She just asked for some time to think and will tell us" He explained to everyone.

"Oh, then it's okay *sigh*."

"When she decides, I will call Pandit Ji that very day."

Everyone laughed at Annapurna's excitement.

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Another update!!!

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See you all soon with next chapter byeeeeeee.

See you all soon with next chapter byeeeeeee

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