𝟐𝟏. championship (boys)

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IT WAS ALMOST time for the boys championship game

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IT WAS ALMOST time for the boys championship game. Vienna stood in front of Nelson with Ray's camera, she looked up at Ray and he gave her a nod of approval.

"Alright ya'll, we got Vee." Nelson points at her, he laughed. "We got Vee behind the camera. We going downstairs. It's championship game ya'll."

Vienna turned the camera so she was in the frame. "Redemption arc for us girls." She turned the camera back around to point at Nelson.

"Nelson, how many likes on this video?" He asked himself, moving to the right. "Yo, wassup ya'll. So like, let's get like 200 thousand likes."

"Are you seriously talking to yourself?" Vienna questioned, furrowing her eyebrows. He let out a laugh, covering his mouth.

"I mean, it was a good goal." He rubbed his hands together and Vienna whined behind the camera. His eyes widen and he looked at her in shock.

"Bro, my back hurts." She complains, handing the camera over to Ray and she stood beside Nelson, stretching.

"Why?" Ray asks, looking up at them.

Nelson side eyes Vienna, a mischievous smirk on his face. "That was my bad ya'll." He scratched his head, looking away.

Vienna whipped her head around to look at Nelson in shock, covering her mouth. "Nah, nah. Cut that out. Nothing happened ya'll, I slept the wrong way that's all."

"Are you sure about that?" Nelson smirks, rubbing his hands together and Vienna just walks away from him. "What the— where is she going?"

"Away from you probably." Ray shrugged his shoulders.

Nelson ran after her, yelling. "Vienna come back!"

They all were in the office room to avoid the crowd. Vienna had a knee brace on, sitting on one of the table and swinging her legs back and forth.

Cam walked over with Ray, glaring at Vienna. "What?" She looks up in confusion.

He crosses his arms, looking at her. He stayed silent for a moment and Vienna was scared of her life, she didn't know if she needed to run away or what.

"So," Cam trailed off, rubbing his chin. "What's up with your knee Vienna? Care to explain? Why the fuck do you have a knee brace on the day we have a championship?"

Vienna pressed her lips into a thin line. "It was all Nelson. Blame him. All him." She held her arms up in defense, Nelson turning his head.


"Why does your girlfriend have a fucking knee brace Nelson?"

"How the fuck am I supposed to know?" Nelson exclaimed with confusion. Cam gave him a look and he sunk into his seat. "We were shooting around yesterday, doing a 1v1 and she came down on her knee wrong."

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