1418: Petals and Steel (Woven Threads)

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In the realm of Andoria, where the banners of the royal order fluttered in the wind and the clang of armor was a symphony of valor, Wilbur Quinn Oliver was a name etched in the annals of history. A knight of unparalleled skill and unwavering devotion, he stood proudly under the banner of Prince Edward's royal order, a sword-arm pledged to the defense of the realm.

Everyone in the kingdom had heard tells of the knight, by now. Red hair not commonly seen in any of the four corners, let alone under rule of kingship. Blazing green eyes shining from under their steel helmet, twinkling even as they dutifully stand guard day after day at the kingdom gates, at the castle walls, at royal events- wherever they could. Even if the chain-links on their armor shined red enough to match their hair in the light of the sun, the citizens knew they could count on the knight stopping for a bouquet of flowers before re-entering the castle walls.

Yet, amidst the corridors of the grand castle, where laughter echoed and banners bore witness to a kingdom at peace, a storm brewed on the horizon of Wilbur's heart. Awsten, a fellow knight with eyes like constellations and a spirit as fierce as the wind, had ignited a fire within them that burned brighter than the sun. Their gazes often met like swords clashing in a duel, a dance of unspoken sentiments hidden beneath armor and titles, duties that the two could not foresake. Still, though, nothing could stop the two from coming together. Stealing a quick kiss in the shade of the armory, walking together away from the castle even when one is assigned inside the walls for the day, sitting together at meal-times, their knees touching underneath the big, empty table.

Rumors swirled, of course they did. The two are rarely seen without each other, and in a kingdom so peaceful, there isn't much else for the citizens to talk about. The royal order, however, simply turned a blind eye. The knights were too efficient, too loved by the community to question their positions, much less anything else. The two knights live in relative peace with the rest of the kingdom, carrying out their duties and finding solace in each other when they can.

But, fate's hand is as capricious as the winds that carry rumors. News from Wilbur's hometown arrives like a chilling gust one cold September day, carrying tales of a war that raged across distant lands. The very thought of conflict on the cobbled streets and beneath the awnings of flower shops was an incongruity that weighed heavily on Wilbur's heart.

For deep within his soul resided a bond that transcended steel and honor—an unbreakable connection with his twin brother, Thomas. Unlike Wilbur's path of valor and might, Thomas's hands tended to delicate blossoms, his heart nurturing beauty in the form of petals. The thought of danger befalling the gentle soul that was Thomas shook Wilbur's very foundation.

Then came the day when parchment whispered of heartache. A letter, inked with the tenderness of a farewell, bore Thomas's soulful words. In ink strokes, Thomas painted a canvas of goodbye, his longing to protect the world of blooms forever etched into his final lines. Wilbur held the letter, a fragile promise between brothers carried on the wings of ink.

Summoned by duty and fueled by love, Wilbur revealed the tale to Prince Edward, who ruled with wisdom and compassion. With understanding in his eyes, Edward issued a decree that resonated with purpose—the valiant duo of Wilbur and Awsten were entrusted with a mission beyond the realm's borders: to journey through uncertainty and turmoil, to gather Thomas and bring him home to the castle's embrace.

And so, beneath the stars that had witnessed their dreams and the moon that cast its silver light on paths unknown, Wilbur and Awsten rode forth. Their swords were not just for battles fought, but for the love that bound them, for the unbreakable bonds of brotherhood and kindred spirits. Ahead lay the uncharted, where shadows of war intertwined with threads of love, and where destiny awaited its heroes.

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