𝘁𝗵𝗿𝗲𝗲 , snacks and swings

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THE SUN HUNG LOW in the sky, casting a warm orange-yellow glow over the world around them. as they walked to the convenience store, the fading light created a picturesque scene, bathing everything in a soft and serene hue. the familiar surroundings of their neighborhood took on a different charm, the late afternoon sun creating long shadows that stretched across the pavement, and the rustling of leaves in the slight breeze carried an air of tranquility.

the quiet of the moment was interrupted only by the rhythm of their footsteps, the occasional passing of cars, and the melodic chirping of birds.

backpacks adorned their shoulders — riki had his backpack slung over one shoulder, a casual gesture that matched his nonchalant demeanor. on the other hand, hari wore her backpack with a sense of determination, the straps securely fastened over both shoulders — a reflection of her pragmatic approach to most things in life.

the wind picked up, carrying with it a gentle breeze that rustled through the trees and caused hari's hair to dance in front of her face. riki's observant gaze caught the movement, and in an unexpected gesture, he reached out to brush the strands of hair away from her eyes. his touch was surprisingly gentle, his fingers lingering for a moment longer than strictly necessary.

hari's reaction was immediate, her skepticism evident in the furrow of her brows as she scoffed at his gesture. "what are you doing, nishimura?" Her tone held a mix of annoyance and disbelief, a clear indication that she was not accustomed to — or appreciative of — his touch. the sensation of his fingers against her skin lingered, her discomfort evident in the way she brushed off his touch.

the boy's lips quirked into a half-smile, his demeanor unfazed by her reaction. "just helping you out," he replied casually, his tone betraying nothing of the thoughts that might have prompted his actions.

hari's expression remained guarded, her skepticism unwavering as she shot him a pointed look. her voice carried a touch of exasperation as she emphasized her boundaries. "i don't need your help. keep your hands to yourself."

riki's response was laced with a hint of mockery, his amusement evident in the curve of his lips. "so you want to hold hands, but i can't touch your face?"

hari sighed in exasperation, her irritation evident as she addressed his comment. "again, you were the one not letting go of my hand!"

"maybe you didn't want to let go." riki muttered under his breath, his words almost lost to the wind. the boy's gaze dropped to their intertwined hands, his fingers still loosely holding onto hers.

hari's lips parted, her retort seemingly caught in her throat. his observation had struck a chord, leaving her momentarily silenced. with a determined shift in her gaze, she chose to focus on the direction of the convenience store. her unspoken message was clear: she wanted this awkward moment to be over as quickly as possible.

they continued walking in silence, the tension between them still palpable despite the passing exchange. the convenience store loomed ahead, its fluorescent lights casting a warm glow that contrasted with the dimming daylight outside. as they rounded a corner and the shop came into view, hari's pace quickened, a sense of urgency propelling her forward.

riki matched her pace with ease, his footsteps echoing hers as they approached the entrance. his gaze flickered towards her, a hint of amusement dancing in his eyes. "in a hurry, park?"

hari shot him a sidelong glance, her frustration at his persistent attitude evident. "just trying to get this over with."

as they neared the convenience store, hari took the lead and reached for the door, the door's handle glistening in the sunlight. the cold metal handle met her fingers, the sensation sending a shiver down her spine. with a firm grip, she pulled the door open, and the soft chime of a bell resonated through the air — a familiar sound that marked their entrance.

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