Celebrity Meeting

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August 4th

We first see a refined looking house in Northern London. This was the home of renown and famous actor Eric Venue (although this was just a stage name), He was tall, platinum blonde with a well groomed goatee and amethyst eyes. he lived as a single dad to his son of age 12 named Vil Schoenheit who is  a famous child actor. The young boy was in every sense of the word Beautiful.

His unique purple colored eyes, shined like precious Amethyst gems. His skin was soft to the touch and fair. His champagne blonde hair with lavender tips was graceful and prestine. His physique is lean but still has some muscle to it. And we also wore brown eyeshadow, dark eyeliner, and the occasional lipstick.

His acting started at a young age in school. and, then the occasional s theaters and movie where, (to his dismay, he was always protrayed as the villain or the bully.

Today was an auspicious day. Vil's father had taken the weekend off to help Vil buy his school supplies. For you see, Vil was meant to attend Hogwarts last year, but a job opportunity he had recieved conflicted with his attendance so he studied remotely when he had the time. The Headmaster, Albus Dumbledore, agreed to let him enroll during the Second year as long as he completed his assingments remotely.

Vil passed his classes with flying colors and as per agreement, he is to attend Hogwarts this year as a Second year and be sorted into a house. But today Vil and his father are to take a trip to Diagon Alley for his supplies and wand.

Vil and his father had traveled to Dragon Alley to buy Vil's Supplies. After having his robes fitted, Cauldron and ingredients bought, all that was missing was his second-year books and his wand. "OK how about we Split up? I will go get your books while you go buy your Wand.
Eric suggested as he handed his son a handful of Galleon "This should be enough to pay for your Wand."

"Ok dad." "Once you're done find me at Flourish and Blotts."

Vil gave his father an affirmative nod as they went their separate ways. On his way to Olivanders, Vil was busy counting how many coins his father given him when he bumped into someone, causing him to drop the coins.

"Oh! I'm sorry" "My Apologies"

Vil quickly crouched down to recover the coins. "Here, let me help you." The person spoke in a slight french accent as he also crouched down to help Vil. "You don't have to." "Please, it was my fault, its the least I could do." When Vil looked at him, he saw a boy about the same age as him, with fair skin, green eyes, mid-length hair cut in a bobstyle with straight cut bangs. Wearing nicely kept clothes all while wearing a brown wide-brimmed hat with a large white feather on top. Overall quite good-looking. After collecting all the Galleons of the floor, the young boy handed them back to Vil "And my Sincerest appologies, I-" the boy finally lays eyes on Vil and he is shocked. "Mon Dieu, you are... the most beautiful Person I have ever seen."

Vil had a look of shock at the sudden Compliment. "Oh! well, thank you."

"And yet it reminds me of someone. Someone just as beautiful. For you see I'm an admirer of all beautiful things and I never forget a face. The boy then leaned close and whispered

"You are Vil Schoenheit, no?"

Vil was amazed and a bit creeped out but amazed nontheless "Indeed I am,"

"Marvelous! I am honored to finally meet you. My name is Rook Hunt and I hope we get to become good friends at school." The french boy stated.

"Oh you're attending Hogwarts too? Vil asked. "Yes. I'm transfering from Beauxbatons Academy this year."

"Beauxbatons! That's impressive. Well, I hope to see you on the train then." "Indeed I shall. Happy Shopping. Au Revoir, my Lord Schoenheit." Rook then gave a bow and walked away "What a strange fellow."

Vil then arrived shortly at Ollivanders as he was greeted by an elderly wizard. "Mr. Schoenheit. The Fairest in the land." spoke the old wizard. "That's a first, I've never been referred to as the queen from legend before." Vil stated with a slight smirk "A Compliment nonetheless."

"I'm guessing you are here for your wand." "Your guess is correct." Garrick Ollivander, quickly disappeared to the back looking high and low amongst the thousands of wands in his shop until he stopped at one. He took out a long velvet purple box and handed it to Vil.

When Vil opened the Velvet box, he was met by a beautiful wand. It was black in color but with a purple and gold marble handle with a ruby at the base of it. "Wow." Was all Vil could utter. Taking hold of it Vil felt a surge of power course through his body. "Mr. Ollivander what is this wand made of ?"

"It is Cypresswood with a anique core."

"What is its core?"

"It's core is that of a Thunderbird's tail feather."

Vil was amazed, He had read about the Thunderbirds and was truly amazed by them. "Well thank you Mr. Olivander." Vil Said as he paid for the wand and left. He then made his way over to Flourish and Blotts. Once inside he was met by the sight of, a tall man with long blonde hair and his blonde Son "talking" to a family of Red heads, a boy with dark hair and glasses, along with a girl with bushy brown hair. "Let me see: Red hair, vacant expressions, tacky second-hand book. You must be the Weasleys." Spoke the blonde man.

Now Vil remembers him. Lucius Malfoy. Vil recognized him from the few times he visited the Ministry.

"Let me guess, Smug expression, Cheap Wig to hide your recceding hairline and a face only a goblin could love and even then that's stretching it. You must be the Malfoys" Everyone was shocked.
The older Malfoy turned around to address him. "Ah. Vil Schoenheit the Child Celebrity. I'm surprised to see you here." "Likewise, considering you don't leave your ivory tower unless it suits you. Well Lucius, unless you and your brat are here to buy something I suggest you leave and stop pestering them." Vil stated as Lucius looked amused. "Really? And what power do you have to make me?" Lucius questioned with smug look on his face

"Do you really want to find out?" Vil countered with his own smug look. Lucius then return the book he was holding back into the red-headed girl's Cauldron alongside a slimmer black leather journal. "Come Draco. We're leaving."

Lucius then turned to the father of the Weasleys. "I'll see you at work. Then both blondes left in a huff. "That was brilliant!" Said a younger Weasley. "Thanks. It's all about confidence. "

"I feel like I know you from somewhere?" Questioned the older Weasly but the brown haired girl answered "Of course! You're Vil Schoenheit, the actor."

"Thank you. Miss..."

"Granger! Hermione Granger." Hermione replied shaking his hand. The Weasleys all introduced themselves one by one. And then there was the bespectacled boy with black hair, green eyes and covered in ash. "And you are?' "I'm Harry. Harry Potter."

Vil gave a slight reaction but was barely noticeable. "Mr. Potter, I've heard so much about you. But considering the word of mouth, some things must be exaggerated. I'd rather hear them from you." Vil stated.

"Vil!" Vil's father walked over carrying bags full of books.

"Vil! Are you okay? Did you get your wand?" "Yes dad, I did."

"Dad, I would like for you to meet the Weasleys: Arthur, Molly, Percy, Fred, George, Ron, and Ginny. As well as Hermione Granger and -"

"Harry Potter!"

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