𝘁𝘄𝗼 , holding hands

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DETENTION HAD A WAY of creating an atmosphere that was equal parts tense and mundane. as hari pushed open the door to the designated room, she was met with the sight of fellow students, each serving their own sentences amidst an array of desks and chairs. the lighting was harsh and artificial, casting a pale glow across the room, and the air held a distinct scent of chalk and stale ambition.

the low hum of whispered conversations filled the air, a mixture of complaints and resigned acceptance. students exchanged knowing glances, united in their shared predicament yet separated by the choices that had led them here. the walls were adorned with faded motivational posters and reminders of the school's code of conduct, creating an ironic backdrop for their current situation.

hari's eyes swept over the room, noting the presence of familiar faces and unfamiliar ones. she hesitated for a moment, her uncertainty evident, before spotting an empty desk near the back. with determined strides, she made her way there, her expression a mix of frustration and determination. the desk was cold and hard beneath her palms as she took her seat, her focus fixed solely on the task ahead.

riki's arrival was marked by a noticeable shift in the room's energy. his entrance seemed to draw both curious glances and wary looks from those who were already serving detention. he moved with a casual swagger, as if detention was just another inconvenience he could easily brush off. his choice of seating - front and center - seemed to scream defiance, a silent declaration that he refused to be confined by the rules.

hari's jaw tightened at the sight of him, her animosity bubbling beneath the surface. she clenched her fists, determined not to let him affect her focus. her eyes shifted to the worksheet that was neatly placed on the desk before her, the instructions simple and clear: write down what you did wrong and reflect on your actions.

detention meant writing lines - an endless repetition of 'i will not disrupt class' or 'i will behave appropriately.' principal yun's go-to punishment, intended to be both tedious and reflective.

hari sighed, her pen poised above the paper, and began to write, her thoughts a mix of frustration and annoyance at the situation she had found herself in. as she wrote, the room's artificial lighting cast harsh shadows across the pages, emphasizing the solemn atmosphere.

the whispers of other students merged with the scratching of pens against paper, creating an odd symphony of punishment. hari's hand moved steadily across the page, her focus unwavering despite the discomfort of the environment.

meanwhile, across the room, riki leaned back in his chair, his pen twirling between his fingers as he regarded the worksheet with a hint of disdain. the words "reflect on your actions" seemed to mock him. his expression was a mix of boredom and nonchalance, as if he were only half-engaged in the process.

with a mischievous glint in his eyes, riki finally put pen to paper. he began writing down a few sentences about the altercation with hari, detailing the events that had led to their shared punishment. but instead of stopping there, he let his imagination run wild. he scribbled a series of humorous doodles - caricatures of principal yun and exaggerated versions of himself and hari - interspersed with a few choice words that were just provocative enough to amuse himself.

his lips curved into a smirk as he imagined hari's reaction to the note he was crafting. he knew it was childish, but there was a certain satisfaction in pushing her buttons, in turning the tables for once.

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