Bonds of a spark (one-shot)

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| HIII EVERYONE! I'm back from my break and I'm posting this one-shot I hope everyone likes it :D |
Ennis and Kali come upon Erica and Boyd by chance, they are both clearly injured, their healing slowed by whatever ordeal they have been through. They appear to be looking for something but when pressed for information they become defensive and cagey against the two strange alphas questioning them. Boyd and Erica are easily subdued and brought back to the alpha pack's current hideout, an old bank.

The alpha pack had no intention of taking two of the Hale betas nor did they intend to announce themselves so soon but they were going to take someone at some point to test and assess the Hale Alpha. They will not harm them but they do not tell Erica or Boyd that, they just shove them into the bank vault for the time being with no information. The two beta wolves huddle together Boyd curling around Erica as if he could really protect her from the alphas if they decide to hurt them.

Deucalion sighs rubbing at his forehead when Kali and Ennis tell them what they have come across and he is not mad that they took the opportunity given but he is annoyed that they now need to reveal themselves so soon. Part of alpha Hale's assessment test is how long it takes him to notice and then find his betas. They will not make it easy on him. Deucalion sends the twins for food while Kali and Ennis are sent to leave a notice, their symbol for the Hale pack to find. Deucalion himself goes to deal with their new guests. Cora trailing along behind him dutifully to help explain that they are not here to hurt anyone.


Erica and Boyd are understandably dubious of the Alphas who hold them, and remain tight lipped about their pack, even after explanations have been made that they are simply here to judge their alpha. Deucalion understands, really he does but it has been a few weeks now and though they will not allow them to leave they have all kept to their word and not harmed them. He was hoping that they would offer up some information by now and he has to admit he is impressed that they have not, not even to Cora.

Regardless of the fact that they are essentially prisoners, Deucalion and the others make sure that the majority of their needs are met. They are even allowed out of the vault for the most part but only when their emissary is present so that they cannot run and end Derek Hale's test early. They feed them well, give them mattresses and pillows and blankets, books and games to entertain them. There are no showers in the bank but the alphas supply them with what they need to keep clean and get clothes for them.

Deucalion is pleased to see the two at least start to relax around them. No longer huddling together in a corner or shying away from them. Erica and Boyd even take part in some conversations. They never speak up if talk turns to the Hale pack in front of them but the two listen avidly.


So far the alpha pack is less than impressed with the Hale pack. Neither alpha Derek nor any of his betas have any luck finding the two that the alpha pack abducted. They are disorganized and split. One feeble bodied human seems to be the only thing keeping any sort of order between them. Deucalion is not sure what to make of this human who runs with wolves but he is curious.


Deucalion and the others are careful, never allowing themselves to be seen throughout the summer. When school starts they send Ethan and Aiden off to attend and the rest continue to remain hidden. They want to see how the Hale pack will react. Deucalion is less than amused that other than Stiles the pack human all of those in attendance go on the offensive without any prompting.

Even Lydia whom Aiden was supposed to cozy up to is nearly immediately suspicious and on guard. Her and Jackson being sure Ethan never gets more than a few seconds alone with Danny before they are dragging him off. However none of the wolves seem to notice when Stiles begins to draw the attention of the two alphas and that of their pack.

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