𝗳𝗼𝘂𝗿 , parents' expectations

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TIME HAD FLOWED STEADILY as riki and hari continued to sit on the swings, savoring their snacks in the tranquil ambiance of the park. the golden glow of the late afternoon sun had gradually given way to the dimming light of evening. shadows lengthened, and the once-dappled patterns of light and shadow had transformed into a peaceful, subdued canvas.

some time had passed since they had first settled onto the swings, and the park had transitioned into a different kind of beauty as the day waned. the serenity of the park's surroundings had deepened, and the distant sounds of children at play had grown quieter, replaced by the gentle symphony of crickets and the soft rustling of leaves in the evening breeze.

as the soft, muted colors of twilight began to paint the sky, hari's voice broke the comfortable silence. "what time is it?" she asked, her voice holding a hint of urgency, her gaze turning towards riki.

riki, ever the enigmatic figure, responded with a shrug, his eyes focused on his phone. he didn't immediately share the time with hari, choosing instead to keep her in suspense for a moment — a small, mischievous way to amuse himself.

"i don't know," he replied nonchalantly, a hint of playful defiance in his tone. his fingers danced across his phone's screen as he checked the time, but he kept the information to himself, choosing to withhold it momentarily to tease hari.

hari's patience waned as she awaited his response. she shot him a sidelong glance, her impatience palpable. "riki, just tell me the time," she insisted, her voice taking on a sharper tone.

riki finally relented, a smirk playing at the corners of his lips as he glanced at his phone's screen. "alright, alright," he conceded, showing her the time. "it's getting late, though."

hari's sense of urgency peaked as she pressed for specifics. "the exact time?" she inquired, her voice betraying a growing anxiety.

riki responded promptly, revealing the time on his phone. "eight pm," he answered.

hari's reaction was immediate. she muttered a curse under her breath, her eyes widening with alarm. panic gripped her as she shot up from the swing, her sudden movement breaking the serene stillness of the park. the plastic bag containing their snacks crinkled in her grasp as she hurriedly gathered their belongings.

"shit." hari exclaimed, her voice edged with a sense of urgency. her realization was evident to riki as he watched her reaction. she was evidently behind schedule, and the curfew imposed by her parents loomed over her as an impending source of trouble.

riki, although still lounging on the swing, couldn't help but find the situation amusing. "seems like you're in a bit of a predicament, park," he observed, his smirk never fading.

hari, her mind racing with the consequences of her tardiness, turned to riki with a mixture of frustration and determination. "this is your fault!" she accused, her tone accusing.

riki shrugged nonchalantly, his demeanor unapologetic. "hey, you're the one who suggested the swings," he retorted. "i didn't force you to stay."

hari's eyes flashed with annoyance as she realized the truth in his words. she had chosen to linger — which was odd, and now she was faced with the consequences of that decision.

with a deep breath to calm herself, hari made a quick decision. "i have to go," she declared, her voice firm. "my parents are going to kill me if I'm late."

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