The little girl.

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   (Before  you read) you  feel  you know  your parents  better  now, than when you  were  much  younger?perhaps  you now  understand  the reason  for  some  of their  actions  that  used  to upset  you earlier.

2.this story  about  a little  girl  whose feelings  for her father  change  from  fear to understanding  will probably  find  an echo  in every  home.

       To the little girl  he was a figure to be feared and  avoided.every morning  before  going  to work  he came  into her room  and  gave  her a casual  kiss.
To which  she responded  with
" goodbye, father.  And  oh, there was a glad sense of relief  when  she heard  the noise  of the  carriage  growing  fainter  and  fainter  down  the long  road!
     In the  evening  when  he came  home  she  stood near the staircase and  heard  his loud voice  in the  hall.
   " bring  my  tea in to the  drawing- room...
    Hasn't  the paper  come  yet? Mother, go and  see if my paper 's out there - and  bring  me my slippers ".

" kezia," Mother  would  call to her,
   " if you're  a good  girl  you can  come  down  and  take off father 's boots."

     Slowly  the girl  would  slip down the stairs, more Slowly  still across  The hall, and  push open  the  drawing- room  door.

       By that time  he  had  his  spectacles  on and  looked  at her over them  in a way  that  was terrifying  to the little  girl.

      " well,kezia, hurry up  and  pull off these  boots  and  take  them outside.
     Have you been  a good  girl  today?"

       " I d-d don't  know  father. "
      " you d-d don't  know? If you  stutter  like  that mother  will  have  to you to the doctor. "

      She never  stuttered with  other  people had  quite  given  it up  but  only  with  father,  because  then she  was trying  so hard  to say  the  words properly.

        " What 's the matter? What  are you  looking  so wreched about? Mother,
I wish you  taught  this  child  not  to appear on the brink of suicide...

      Kezia,  carry my  teacup  back  to  the table  carefully. "

He was so big  his  handa and  his neck,  especially  his  mouth when  he yawned.

Thinking  about  him alone  was like  Thinking  about  a giant.

            One Sunday  afternoon  grandmother  sent her down  to the  drawing- room  to have  a " nice  talk with  father  and mother. "

      But the little  girl  always  found  mother  reading  and father  stretched out on the  sofa.
His handkerchief  on his  face, his feet  on one  of the  best  cushions ,sleeping  soundly  and  snoring.

   She  sat on a stool,gravely  watched  him until  he woke  and  stretched,and  asked  the  time    then looked  at her.

    " Don't  stare so,kezia  .you look like  a little  brown  owl. "

      One  day , when  she was kept  indoors  with  a cold,  her grandmother  told  her that  father's birthday  was next  week, and  suggested she should  make  him a pin- cushion  for  a gift  out  of a beautiful  piece  of  yellow silk.

     Laborious,  with  a double  cotton, the  little girl  stitched three sides.but what  to fill it with? That  was the  question.
  The grandmother was out  in the  garden, and  she wandered in to
mother 's bedroom  to look  for  scraps

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