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The next two days, Ju-won did nothing other than lying in her bed

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The next two days, Ju-won did nothing other than lying in her bed.

The most time she watched youtube or listened to music.

Actually, Ju-won should have gone back to school on Wednesday, due to the incident with the man, Heeseung said she should rather stay at home.

Heeseung was the most time of a day at work so she just made herself ramen or rice with some vegetables.

Sometimes she also drew something in her sketchbook. It was almost full so she really needed to go and buy a new one.

Her wrist also got better. She packed some ice on it so the swelling faded a very very quickly. She just put a bandage on it just to make sure it won't get bad.

Since this night she didn't talk with anyone except for her brother. She didn't even text with Yunah or Riki.

When she thought about Riki, she got goosebumps.

He probably saved her that one night. The night this drunk man showed up and was forcing her to get drunk.

It was not that she felt butterflies in her stomach. No.

It was more like a feeling of excitement and happiness. Ju-won thought that she was probably just excited for the tour.


It was already July 1st 2023. The day they would travel to the first place. Chicago.

Ju-won has been in Chicago very often. It was very pretty, she remembered.

She woke up at 6am because her alarm clock rang. She set the alarm so early on purpose, just to have some relaxing time at home before they wouldn't be there for a very long time.

After standing up, Ju-won took a quick shower and went to the kitchen afterwards.

The fridge was almost empty. There was just some water and two apples in it. So she took the apples, cut it and put it in a lunch box. Even though it wasn't that much, she hoped it would be enough to eat for her and Heeseung.

Aside from that they'd also have lunch in the plane. You just need a bit luck with the food there.

You could either get really gross food like uncooked meat with spinach or really delicious food like sushi and so on.

Ju-won wasn't really excited that morning. She experienced this morning a few times so she knew how it was going.

After she got changed and finished in the bathroom, she went back to her room. Meanwhile Heeseung was in the bathroom to get finished.

They didn't talk that morning except for saying "good morning" to eachother.
Ju-won grabbed her phone which hang on the charger before. She noticed she had a few notifications from messages.

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