Noise Complaint

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This was a bad idea, Brian knew that. But what could possibly go wrong?

It was a hot and sticky day in Brian's hometown, and he was heading to his usual hangout spot at the public library. Brian usually went alone, he liked the quiet atmosphere and had been trying to read more as of late. While those were true, the main reason he went was because he had a crush on one of the librarians that worked there.

Her name was Bridgette. She was tall with a slim figure, long dirty blonde hair, and always wore a pair of cute round glasses to work. She would also wear a pencil skirt and tights which greatly outlined her figure. She was a few years older than Brian and had gone to the same high school as him, though they never saw each other back then. Brian was a sophomore in college now and she had just graduated recently. From what he could tell she was back home living with her parents trying to figure out what her next move would be. He found all this out by eavesdropping on her conversations while "browsing" the fiction section near the front desk.

Brian found out about her when he had to run an errand for his little sister. She had forgotten to return a library book but had soccer practice that day and made him do it. He reluctantly agreed and that was the first time he had met Bridgette. She was reorganizing the books in the young adults section that day. He had never seen anyone so beautiful in all his life before. There was something about her that just made his heart flutter. Ever since then he has returned to the library, awkwardly browsed different reading sections and tried to learn more about her.

He had been trying to work up the courage to talk to her more, but so far his only conversations with her had been when he "checked out" more books to read. The books he chose were always shorter ones so he would be able to read them quickly and return them to the library to check out new ones. He always wondered if she judged him for his book choices as they probably screamed "I can't read past a 6th grade level".

Brian had been talking to his friends about his predicament when one of them came up with a brilliant solution.

"Why don't we all go to the library together and set you two up?"

Brian loved his friend group, all four of them had grown up together in the same town and had been through so much already. He felt like he could tell these guys anything, but at the same time he felt anxious about bringing them there. Chris was the jock of the group who would rather be outside doing something active than be cooped up in a dusty library. Then there was Jason and Jess, both of which were dating and were quite the party animals. If there wasn't loud music to permanently damage their hearing they didn't want anything to do with it. But they were his friends and always had his back, so what could possibly go wrong?

Brian arrived ahead of time to scope things out and make sure Bridgette was working today. That is when she saw her talking to someone next to one of the bookshelves. She looked incredible. Instead of her normal librarian getup, she wore a bright blue dress with a floral pattern likely to help with the heat. Once he knew that she was there today, he messaged his group chat and waited for his friends to arrive. When Brian first came in the library Bridgette greeted him with a friendly wave and he sheepishly returned one as he hurried to the other end of the library. His friends were going to have to work a miracle for this one.

They all met in the non-fiction section and tried to brainstorm some ideas, with Jess starting off. "Dude is that her? She is way out of your league."

"Thanks for the vote of confidence Jess." That comment annoyed Brian but he knew she didn't really mean it. Jess had a way of saying things bluntly sometimes, but deep down she really cared.

"Don't listen to Jess, Brian. She is just jealous because she can't ask her out while you still can." Jason always knew how to cheer Brian up, but his comment made Jess storm out of the library. Jason said he would be right back and ran after her to apologize.

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