𝐭𝐰𝐨, 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐤𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐢𝐧 𝐚 𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐲 𝐜𝐚𝐫

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𝕲𝖆𝖓𝖌𝖘𝖙𝖆'𝖘 𝕻𝖆𝖗𝖆𝖉𝖎𝖘𝖊



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❝your gonna be okay, were gonna help you.❞


𝐓he alley the girl had chosen to sleep in last night seemed cold and deserted. Just like any old alley way.

But there was something about this particular one. 

It seemed to have a more dark history whispered along the sharp walls. Along the bricks on the far side of the alley where Evonne was sat, were what looked like demonic symbols. Upside down crosses and even a very badly drawn devil in what looked like red spray paint. 

Maybe that's why she felt so unsafe when she heard footsteps coming her way before the tarp like cover that was hiding her from the human eye was roughly pulled back, a frightened scream leaving her bitten lips. 

The man before her stunk of alcohol and weed. It looked like he had swam in it by the looks of him too. He was wearing an old, used to be white, button up with dark jeans that had so many holes in them it looked like rats had gotten a hold of him whilst he slept. His hair was dark, almost black but you can tell he is a brunette. It was sticking up in every way and looked as if it hadn't been washed for years. The manic grin on sweat filled face showed off his rows of yellow teeth, food stuck in between each tooth. 

"You! Who are you, girl!" Even his voice made her want to curl up and cry.

"Bitte, ich verstehe dich nicht!" (please, i don't understand you!) Evonne exclaimed. She had no clue what this man was saying. Her family only ever spoke in German.

"Answer me, girl!" The man wouldn't give up. Could he not understand the fact she didn't speak a word of English?

"Ich verstehe Sie nicht!" (i don't understand you!) The young girl repeated, hoping he could at least speak a little German. That seemed very unlikely with the way things were going though.

Evonne let out a sudden scream as her arm was forcefully grabbed and she was yanked from her curled position on the hard concrete. "Bitte! Lass mich los! Lass mich los!" (Please! Let go of me! Let go of me!) She screamed desperately as she was slammed into the wall, her head smashing harshly of the brick surface.

The 17 year old let out a heart wrenching sob as her arms were gripped so hard she could practically feel a few bones breaking. Which wouldn't be so surprising considering how thin and delicate her whole body was.

She could feel herself getting dizzy as the man slammed her back against the wall, her head being smashed against once more. Her vision was blurring and her ears were ringing but she felt how the man was suddenly ripped off of her, her body slowly crashing towards the floor if it wasn't for the hands catching her and lowering her head carefully onto their lap.

Through her slightly blurred vision she could make out the face of a man around her age with long black hair and what looks to be strips of white peaking through. She could see his lips were moving, possibly trying to speak to her or the other man; who had dark hair but his was in braids; she could see making his way over and crouching beside her. The man with the braids brought his hand towards the side of her face where she could feel something dripping, most likely blood. 

She hissed as his hand slightly touched it and he retracted his hand quickly. 

"Can you hear me, Sweetheart?" a voice cut through her still ringing ears but she couldn't understand him. She doesn't speak English.

"Ich tu nicht-" (i don't-) She started before coughing harshly. 

The man with long black hair gasped slightly, "Du sprichst Deutsch?" (You speak German?) he asked quietly. The man with braids looking up in surprise. They haven't spoken their mother tongue in years.

Evonne widens her eyes slightly before nodding her head, only to quickly regret doing that as she felt a sharp pain. She gasps slightly at the pain before hands cup her cheeks, keeping her head still. "ruhig, Liebling" (steady, darling) Dark cornrows come into view, letting her know it was the man sitting beside them.

"Wir müssen dich in ein Krankenhaus bringen, Schatz" (we need to get you to a hospital, sweetheart.) Black hair came into view, Evonne just now noticing the black around his eyes.

The girl nods as much as she can with the other man holding her head still.

"Wie heiben Sie?" (What's your name?) The man holding her face delicately asked softly, just now realising they hadn't asked and hadn't introduced themselves yet.


"Ich bin Tom Kaulitz und das ist mein Zwillingsbruder Bill" (I'm Tom Kaulitz and this is my twin brother, Bill) Tom nodded to the other man, Bill.

Her eyebrows raised slightly at the fact they were twins but the more she looked through her still slightly blurred vision she could see the same face.

Soon enough, Evonne was being carried to a shiny black car that was parked outside a small bakery by Tom as Bill held the door open.

Her knights in a shiny black car.


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