𝗳𝗶𝘃𝗲 , a burdened conversation

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RIKI ASCENDED THE GRAND ornate wooden staircase of the nishimura residence, his backpack slung over one shoulder, the polished marble floor of the hallway greeted him, pristine and reflective under the soft glow of crystal chandeliers that hung from above. portraits of past generations of nishimuras adorned the walls, a constant reminder of the family's lineage and expectations.

as he reached the second floor, he couldn't help but marvel at the opulence of his surroundings. the hallway stretched elegantly in both directions, leading to various rooms, each meticulously designed with its own unique aesthetic.

riki finally arrived at his room, an oasis of personal space within the grandeur of the nishimura mansion. the door was adorned with an intricately designed handle, and as he turned it, the door swung open effortlessly.

inside, the room was a reflection of his personality — modern, sleek, and organized. a large window on one wall allowed ample natural light to pour in, offering a view of the manicured gardens below. the furnishings were contemporary, and the walls were adorned with posters of his favorite bands and artists.

riki tossed his backpack carelessly onto the carpeted floor, fully intending to flop onto his bed. however, just as he was about to do so, movement outside his window caught his attention. he approached the window, the hardwood floor cool beneath his feet, and gazed out at the neighboring house.

the houses in their well-manicured neighborhood were arranged in close proximity, and it was no secret that the park family lived next door.

the park residence was equally opulent, showcasing the wealth and prestige of another prosperous family. the window allowed him a clear view into hari's room, which was elegant yet had a youthful design hinted at her personality.

as he observed, a flurry of movement in hari's room drew his attention. her figure stormed into view, her posture tense with what appeared to be frustration. tears glistened in her eyes, and her movements were erratic, almost frantic. he couldn't hear what she was saying, but her body language spoke volumes. she didn't merely close her door; she slammed it shut with a resounding bang.

curiosity got the better of him, and he continued to watch, wondering what could have caused such a reaction in his neighbor.

the second she turned around, seemingly about to lay on her bed, the door to her room swung open once again, revealing jay, her older brother.

riki watched in silence as jay entered hari's room, his features etched with a mix of concern and empathy. the conversation between the siblings remained inaudible to riki, but their body language told a story of its own.

jay's voice seemed soothing, he spoke with a calm and reassuring tone, his gestures conveying a sense of understanding and support. hari's demeanor gradually shifted from one of frustration to a more subdued, vulnerable state.

riki couldn't help but feel a sense of intrusion as he continued to observe the private exchange between the park siblings. he had never been privy to such personal moments in their lives, and it left him with a mix of emotions, including a twinge of guilt for witnessing something so intimate.

eventually, jay left hari's room, closing the door with a gentleness that contrasted with the earlier slam. hari remained inside, her shoulders hunched as she sat on the edge of her bed, her face buried in her hands.

riki hesitated for a moment, torn between the urge to give her privacy and the desire to offer some form of comfort. he knew that he and hari were far from friends, but the vulnerability he had glimpsed in that moment struck a chord with him.

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