𝟐𝟑. home sweet home

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VIENNA AND NELSON were heading back home to Houston Texas

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VIENNA AND NELSON were heading back home to Houston Texas. They were with Lavar and Ray, waiting for the plane. Vienna laid her head on Nelson's lap, her hood on. He had a hand on her head while watching tiktoks.

Everyone was tired, extremely tired due to the past few days. They had an early flight so it was currently 4:00 AM in the morning. It was hard to get Vienna out of the hotel, but it was successful.

Nelson was on his phone, opening snaps. He got added to a RWE groupchat full of fans. He decided to send a snap of Vienna sleeping on him to the groupchat.

He watched as a bunch of them opened it straight away and they saved it in chat. They texted saying how cute they were and how some wished they were Vienna.

Their text messages made Nelson laugh, leaving the chat on open. He then snapped everyone he had to snap back for streaks, raising the phone up high the show his face and Vienna laying down on his lap.

"Nelson, you gotta wake her up soon, time to go." Ray reminded him, tapping on his watch. Nelson rolled his eyes and shook Vienna awake.

"Vee. Come on, time to board the plane." She groaned, lifting her head up and rubbing her eyes. She stood up and Nelson wrapped an arm around her, dragging her to the line up.

When they found their seats, Vienna got the window seat. Nelson sat beside her and immediately she laid her head on his shoulder, falling back asleep.

Nelson chuckles, laying his head down on hers and eventually fell asleep as well. Lavar took a picture of them, sending it to Cam.

They landed, Vienna got her beauty rest the whole plane ride there and so did Nelson

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They landed, Vienna got her beauty rest the whole plane ride there and so did Nelson. They were now walking around, hand in hand, looking for their parents.

Vienna and Nelson both got a notification, probably from the family groupchat.

anderson's & neumanns🔥‼️

Where are our beautiful babies?

We're by the entrance


Nelson is dragging me


They noticed Cassie and Hazel at the entrance, waving at them. Vienna ran up to her mom, engulfing her in a big hug.

"Oh I missed you so much, my sweet baby." She kissed her head and held her face in her hands. Vienna looked up at her with a cute grin on her face.

She looked over to Cassie and she hugs her as well while Nelson hugs Hazel. "I hope you two had lots of fun."

"We did." Nelson nodded his head, grabbing his luggage. Vienna stood beside him, leaning on him.

"Let's go get some food then?" They both asked and the kids nodded their heads.

In the car, Hazel was driving and she was talking to Cassie

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In the car, Hazel was driving and she was talking to Cassie. Vienna and Nelson were playing rock paper scissors, Vienna winning by a lot. She won again, Nelson slapping his hands on his lap in annoyance.

"Bro, why are you so good at this game?" He asked her and Vienna just shrugged her shoulders.

"I can just tell what you're going to do." She cockily said, crossing her arms and staring at him. Nelson shook his head and went on his phone.

Cam Fam👨‍👩‍👧‍👦

Ya'll wanna see Vienna's feet pics?

Lavar Johnson
Bro What The Fuck

Vienna Anderson
Don't you fucking dare


In the car, Vienna punches his arm and Nelson screamed. Hazel glances back at them, laughing. "Oh yeah, the wedding is coming up Vienna. You got your dress right?"

"Yes, momma." She nodded her head and smiled. Vienna was super excited about the wedding, she was happy that her mom finally found a perfect man for her.

Vienna liked Vincent, he was there for her unlike her actual father. Although it was hard to get used to it, she surprisingly got used to him being around quick.

Cassie and Hazel started talking about what the wedding was going to look like. Nelson stared at Vienna with a smile and she looked back at him.

"I'll finally see you all suit up." She poked him and Nelson rolled his eyes. "You'll look so handsome."

"And you'll look so pretty." He told her, a grin on his face. Vienna laughs, laying her head down on his shoulder.

roan speaks WE LOVE NIENNA!!anyways i have the perfectending for this book

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roan speaks
anyways i have the perfect
ending for this book

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