chapter 1

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y/n felt her eyes slowly open as something shook her. she immediately shot up, looking around to see what woke her up. she finally saw him, cody. she sent him a look and he gave her a sheepish smile. "y/n, class ended, we have to get to the band room quickly, apparently theres an emergency in there!" the male told her.

"wait what?" she quickly stood up, the sleepiness leaving her body immediately as she started to shove her computer into her bag. cody grabbed her arm and begun dragging her to the band room.

"hey y/n!" she saw bridgette and smiled and waved back at the girl. the blonde walked over to y/n and cody and walked with them. "okay, so geoff is hosting a party to kick off the school year and he and i were wondering if maybe you'd ask your band if they wanted to perform at it?" she asked.

y/n and cody looked at each other and grinned. "i'll have to ask the others, but i'm sure they'd be down! anyways sorry to cut this short, but apparently theres an emergency with the band, so ive gotta go!" y/n told the blonde.

"oh your good! i'll see you later!" bridgette walked away from the two.

"do you have any clue whats wrong? like whats the emergency?" the girl questioned cody. he shrugged at her.

"i honestly got no clue, all i know is that sierra seemed to be freaking out. she was all like 'you gotta get y/n down here quick!' and then she hung up on me," y/n gasped. "I KNOW! it has to be bad because she never hangs up on me!" cody exclaimed. the two kept making there way to the band room, people waving and giving quick hi's to the two, mostly y/n.

once the two got to the door, y/n hesitantly opened the door. she was greeted by an angry alejandro and sierra sitting on the ground playing on her phone. the brunette and purple haired girl looked at the two who had just entered the room and immediately they got up, taking y/n away from cody and pushing her into a chair.

"okay okay, we've got bad news.." sierra said, biting her lip and looking away. aleajndro made a face at the purpled haired girl, motioning for her to tell y/n what it was. she shook her head at him and he sighed.

"okay..well since someone," he glanced over at sierra and glared at her for a moment. "won't have the ball to tell y/n whats going on i will!" he paused for a moment.

"uhmm..okay? can you tell me please?" the girl said as she crossed her arms. though alejandro's face morphed into a look of discomfort. when cody had first told her something was wrong, she thought he meant one of the guitars got broken because sierra and alejandro decided to have another sword fight, or that maybe alwejandro's voice had gone out again and that he was sick. now that she was here though, she felt her stomach start to form a pit.

"ugh..okay..pretty much-" alejandro got cur off by sierra.


"what..?" y/n asked. she was a bit confused.

"¡perra, cállate!" alejandro muttered under his breath. "okay, so i was in the office helping out one of the teachers with printing off some assignments, when i over heard mr, mcclain talking to mr. chef about how he's going to be putting you in the tutoring program the school offers because he noticed you were failing two of your classes.." alejandro explained to her. he gave her a look of sympathy.

y/n felt her world start to crumble as she heard the words that came out of alejandro's mouth. if she did tutoring, then she'd have to give up at least of her extra curricular classes! she couldn't do that, but if she didn't give up an extra curricular class then she'd have to stay after school for tutoring. she couldn't do that either, as she would have to miss her band practices. she definitely could not miss those.

despair: noah sterecra x fem! reader being rewrittenWhere stories live. Discover now