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Cameron POV

June is quickly approaching and every day that I get closer to the day when I'll marry the love of my life adds butterflies in my stomach. I'm nervous about everything and I hope with all my heart that everything goes perfectly.

I grab my cup of coffee and head into the hospital. I still see the devil senior around but I passed my neurology rotation so it's on to the next one. I'm doing orthopedics right now and I have to say I greatly enjoy scrubbing in and witnessing them out a bone back together again. This is the first specialty that I've truly enjoyed and I don't want it to end.

We round on all the patients and I have to present them to the attending who's with us. The residents nod at me as I go through the patient's history, the procedure that was done and their vital signs. I then go through my assessments and I feel proud of myself because I was able to see all the patients and get updates from the nurses.

"Very good, Cameron." Dr.Sinclair says once we're done seeing everybody.

I smile at him. "Thank you, doctor."

We make our way over to the floor the OR is, there's a few scheduled cases and I get to assist on all of them. One of the residents gets paged and has to go to the ER while the rest of us get changed into our scrubs. I never bring my scrubs home because I don't want to bring home any bacteria that may stick to my scrubs. It's not unheard of to have MRSA travel home and then your entire family is at risk to get that.

We hear from the resident who went to the ER they're going to operate right away. I guess this guy is a VIP.

I make my way to the OR and they're bringing in emergency case that bumps other patients down the list. It's an athlete who fractured his ankle attempting to jump over the railing to get to the practice field. The surgeon discusses the case with us, he tells us that unfortunately this patient won't be able to play their sport again. A fractured ankle is nothing to mess with and the pain, I've heard, is excruciating. I'm so glad that Nash was able to recover from his injury and go on to fulfill his dream as a professional lacrosse player.

I feel for the patient because I've witnessed how tough it is to recover from an accident. With Nash he was assured that he'd be able to return to his former prowess on the field and that didn't make it any less difficult. This guy unfortunately will never play again and that's going to be a heartbreaker for him.

I follow the surgeon to the prep and hold area where they get patients ready for surgery and I spot the devil's father here. He's a neurologist, what the hell is he doing here? He doesn't perform surgeries. The surgeon heads right up to him and they shake hands firmly. When the nurse pulls back the curtain my eyes widen dramatically when I see Kenny lying on the stretcher.

Kenny just got a career ending injury. I fucking love karma, that little bitch. Kenny got what was coming to him, the ultimate comeuppance. I keep my expression blank but inside I'm dancing all over the place. I place myself outside his line of vision and listen carefully to their conversation.

"Unfortunately Kenny will not be able to return to Lacrosse. The type of fracture he has is very painful and we need to put hardware to stabilize it and allow it heal. It will most likely give you problems for an extended period of time. Even with rehabilitation you will have a hard time running on that leg and the risk of injuring that ankle again is significantly increased." Dr. Sinclair explains and Kenny's face pales, I hold back laughter at his reaction.

"What do you mean I won't be able to play?! You're supposed to be the best in the city and you can't fix my ankle to where I can play lacrosse again?!" Kenny explodes and there's a tense silence in the area. Other patients and workers are listening to Kenny's meltdown, I choke back another inappropriate laugh. His father is a neurologist, he must have connections so why don't they get the top surgeon for sports injuries like Nash's father did? That man saved Nash from a lifetime of depression because he loves sports.

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