(BOC) Blades and lilacs.

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The fair is fun at best, tiring at worst. Or at least, that's how you feel. Everyone else seems to be full of energy, people moving around with haste, as if there just isn't enough time to see everything. Perhaps there isn't, it's crowded out on the streets and there is indeed a lot to see; time moves fast when people have fun, after all.

In your case, maybe there has been a bit too much going on and too little time to process it. There has been, however, a recurring thought, circling in your head like a vulture. You've met the child who your father, Arthur, has been treating like his own, or so you hear. It's possible you've got it wrong though, you know better than anyone that different families have different dynamics and so on, so forth... Surprisingly enough, that's not what occupies your mind the most. Not the remarkably enthusiastic first meeting between you and Gawain, your exhausting duties, nor seeing Arthur for the first time in person, although that too is a recurring thought and rivals first place. 

Actually, thinking about it, why is meeting Arthur for the first time not the most recurring thought? ..Well, it's possible that the reason is the years of imagining how it'd go that you've become desensitised, or the shock of it actually having happened hasn't exactly settled in yet, but it'll surely hit you once you lay on your bed; staring up at the ceiling before falling asleep, as usual.

Back on topic, however, what's actually been occupying your mind the most are the twin pools of silver-violet, filled with a biting cold that gives you gooseflesh, although you're not quite sure it's because they intimidate you. Although the brightness of his eyes were born from hostility towards you, all you could think at the moment was how it reminded you of the shining stars in the countless nights you've spent staring awestruck at the sky, searching for a sense of calm to empty your mind; something that those eyes did almost instantly, leaving you gazing silently a moment too long for his comfort.

It had also crossed your mind, when the boy had turned away from you, that the colour in his eyes changed with how the lighting hit them. Sometimes a silver like that of a blade, other times violet like the flowers you rarely see; sometimes both at the same time, melting into each other; drowning out your thoughts and leaving you staring at him the same way you stare at the sky those restless nights.

You're reminded of his name every time the memory resurfaces. Galahad.

Your hands itch with an insatiable urge to write or draw or paint- whatever, to just capture the feeling- the memory of those eyes- no, him?

The feeling of a breeze flowing through your hair reminds you to calm yourself down. It's not the time to indulge in your hobbies, as restless as you feel to be able to do so. You wonder if the breeze was owed to your sudden bubbling feelings or if it was mere coincidence. Either way, you take a few deep breaths to recompose.

Once you have, you tell yourself the only reason you're making this such a big deal is because you've never seen such unique eyes, not any that you remember, anyway. Although you're not quite sure you believe that yourself.

writer's note________________

Can you believe that this IF game brought me back from my writer's slump of at least a year?

I tried to use a similar writing format to llamagirl28 (second person POV + more descriptive text), but hey, I'm no professional, I write fan-fiction. Something I did try to do, and I think I did right, was write this as if it's my Mordred's thoughts (I tried to write this in a similar way he was thinking, is that how to say it?). I also tried to re-use some phrases or comparisons from the game itself, which was fun to look for and include.

I'm really glad I wrote this though, it gave me some more in-depth of my own Mordred, or at least how I want to visualise him in the game.

I like to think this is something that really happened to my Mordred after the great hall scene and before the tournament scene, but that's just me.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2023 ⏰

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