Manager of Straykids - Chapter 1

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Lizz nervously stood outside of a room full of the people she will manage starting by now. The month before, she applied for a manager position at JYP Entertainment.

Through a miracle she really got the position for the manager of the 4th Gen leaders of Kpop, Straykids. She got the final ok only last week.

Since then, she searched the whole Internet for informations about them, because she didn't know anything about them, except that they had it not really easy in their past.

Lizz is determined to change that, even tho she will only have the job for one year.

JYP said Lizz will have to live with them in one dorm, so she can have an eye on them 24/7. She doesn't like the idea, living in a strange dorm, with men she hasn't even met yet.

But JYP insisted and she didn't want to loose her new job before it even started, so she agreed.

Lizz heard JYP himself through the door talking to the Straykids members. She was of course very nervous. If she messed up the first impression it will bug you probably for the rest of her life.

Lizz still has to act tough infront of JYP so he doesn't get suspicious of your plan to make them work as less as possible and to let them be comfortable around her.

The red door in front of her opened and Lizz took one last deep breath, trying to calm herself down and put on her poker face. She didn't smile, she looked as professional as possible and walked through the door JYP held open for her.

She nodded in JYPs direction, saying hello without saying hello (yk what I mean). Lizz saw 8 really handsome boys couriously looking at her. She realised that they all looked kind of small compared to her.

She smiled weakly and a little bit shy, then putting on her poker face again. None of the boys were smiling, but also not looking at her with any bad expression.

Some looked stunned to see a woman as their manager, some looked kinda dissapointed not seeing her smile and greeting them warmly.

Lizz looked around, then bowed while just saying »Hello«. She looked for a place to sit down and lay her block with some papers and a pen on the table.

They greeted her with a »Step out hello Straykids imida«, that she already heard often while researching about them.

She was kinda surprised. Who wouldn't, when 8 grown ass men shout »welcome« at you💀. Lizz sat on a free chair at the end of the oval, light brown, wooden table, beside Bangchan to her right and Changbin to her left.

JYP sat at the other end of the table while introducing Lizz. He already said in their first meeting a week ago, she will not introduce herself, he will. She looked at every member for a while, while JYP introduced her.

(In Korean)»This is Garam Lizz, your new manager. She will keep an eye on you for me and manage you. As I already said, you will all move into the same dorm for that. She will go everywhere with you and will work mostly from home.«

The lecture about her watching them at all times and them having to "behave" goes on and on while Lizz shrinks in her chair. She still had her poker face on but her straight posture is now gone.

That was it with the "good first impression". She only had her small surprise of her not being serious all the time(will come later in this chap)

The members looked at JYP the whole time but have you some interested but also dissapointed glances.

Finally JYP was done with the lecture and packed his stuff together. The whole time only he spoke. No one else. It was kinda painful for Lizz, the tension. »I'm gonna let you all alone now.« JYP said.

He stood Up, his chair screeching behind him. Painful noise. Now noone spoke. But Lizz was ready for her small surprise. JYP made his way to the red door Lizz came from.

He closed the door behind him. *Click* Now the eyes of the members, as well as their attention, slowly moved from the door to Lizz. But she still looked in the direction of the door.

Only when she was sure, JYP was gone, she put on a warm smile. She looked around, in the eyes of every Member of Straykids.

Everyone looked either surprised by her smile, or still serious. »Now, he's finally gone« Lizz said, still smiling. »Ok, let me introduce MYSELF this time.«

She saw how the members relaxed a little bit. She spoke confidentially now. »Hi, I'm Lizz, I'm still getting used to my Korean name, so don't be mad when I don't move when you call me by that name. I have a few rules... or goals, depends how you wanna call it.«

She paused and looked around for a short time. »First, I want you to learn english a bit more for those of you who doesn't speak it yet, so the international STAYS can communicate with you.«

Now Lee know looked confused and the others looked even more relaxed. They probably expected more harsh rules.

»second, I want you to have as much freetime without stress, so you will have more freetime and I want you to not use this freetime for anything work related.«

Lizz paused so the members can let the things she said sink in. Now everyone looked prositively surprised. But Bang Chan looked confused. The ones she supposed was Seungmin and Hyunjin even slightly smiled.

She proceeded: »third rule, I would wish, you feel comfortable around me, so If you are concerned about something, regardless if it is work related or not, you can also come to me.«

Lizz realised she wasn't smiling anymore, so she smiled at Hyunjin, because she was already looking at him. He noticed and smiled back. Small success.

»So, uh, do you have any question regarding the rules or me?« Lizz smiled crookedly and looked around.

No one said anything until Bangchan to her right haltingly asked »Uhm, how old are you?« Oh. She forgot to tell them. »I'm 23 now.« She said while warmly smiling at him.

Now the others where confident enough to ask something too. »I hear an accent, but I can't identify it, where are you from?« Felix asked with his scary deep but also relaxing voice. »I am from Germany, I moved here 2 month ago. I started learning Korean when I was 14.« Lizz answered.

Han asked: »Do you live in the dorm already?« »Oh right, The notes. So to anwer your question I am not yet, but I move in tomorrow! I wanted to take y'all to the dorm after the photoshoot we have scheduled for the day after tomorrow, so we can make a plan on who sleeps together with who.and you can take a look in the dorm.

I'm sorry that I have to live with you and you can't all live with only the members, but JYP kind of forced me to keep an eye on yall. I have here a few notes with a plan of the dorm, if you want to think about the order for the rooms and my phone number. Could you write me a message, so I have y'alls numbers? I think it would be easier like this.«

While she handed out the letters, she asked curiously: »By the way, what did you do to make him so obsessed with controlling you?« She asked.

She felt like they already accepted her in the group. From now on, the workmeeting changed to a gossipmeeting.💅☕

Hehe my first chapter ever💪💪 I'm really proud of myself but I don't really like her name, so I'll probably be changing it into something else. Anyways, how are y'all??
Have you had a nice day? Tell me!

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