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IF YOU'RE WONDERING WHY SCREWLLUM HAS A DICK: Hear me out, his creator wanted him to be as life-like as possible so it would make sense if Screwllum has all the biological functions that a human (male) would have including a dick. That's just me... I'm literally fucking hard-copping.

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"Hmm, this is a lot harder than I thought it would be. Still, I expect nothing less from a Genius Society member!" Silver Wolf ecstatically says while weaving through a barrage of bullets.

She was currently fighting for control over the genius robot, Screwllum, Genius Society No. 27.

"You're a tough boss to beat!"

Though she wasn't showing it, Silver Wolf was overjoyed. Every time she tried to best Screwllum, she was the one getting bested instead. One time she tried, she pulled multiple all-nighters and got bedridden. Another time she tried, all her game accounts were deleted. But now she's close to finally cracking the code.

"Miss Silver Wolf, I admire your endurance and panache, but unfortunately, I am more resilient than you predicted." An unbothered Screwllum mutters out, "Do not try me! You would not want another one of your accounts deleted, no?"

Both of them were fighting for control inside Screwllum's realm. It was a digital realm that was created by Screwllum and was used to store information. Silver Wolf was impressed, but considering that he was a Genius Society member, it was to be expected. While evading everything Screwllum fired at her, Silverwolf was trying to break the firewall and get the information she needed to disable Screwllum.

She tried everything from deleting the security system to using a trojan horse and even guessing a password, but all attempts failed. Couple this with the constant barrage from Screwllum, and Silver Wolf was in a real pickle.

"Miss Silver Wolf, please halt this. Both of us have other more meaningful things to tend to." Screwllum says frustratedly

But Silver Wolf won't back down that easily. She had already made it this far; Why stop?

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After a brutally long battle, Silver Wolf was at the final stop of the firewall. She had managed to break through everything else and was at the final stage. But it was getting harder. The firewall was tougher than the earlier ones, and Screwllum was now taking this seriously. To him, she was a nuisance that disrupted his strict routine. A fly that constantly buzzes while you try to sleep.

This kept going on and on. The world was now colorful from the bullets and projectiles flying about.

After many, many tries, Silver Wolf finally managed to crack the code.

"Hell yeah!" She said to herself

Screwllum's body instantly froze, and his body twitched. The bullets stopped, and his body was limp. The firewall was breached, and Screwllum's operational manual was visible to Silver Wolf.

"Hmm, I see... You're very advanced! Too bad!"

Silver Wolf quickly lunged at him and implanted a bug into him using her aether code. A bright cube appeared above Screwllum's head and fell onto him. As this bug touched him, he suddenly felt a jolt of shock, and he fell flat onto the colorful, virtual floor.

"Miss Silver Wolf! What did you do?!"

Screwllum tried to move but to no avail. While he was struggling, a sly smirk was plastered on Silver Wolf's face.

Installing Hardware (Screwllum/Silver Wolf) | Honkai Star RailWhere stories live. Discover now