It was you leaving that scarred • SKK

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"Chuuya, time to get up!"

is the sentence that chuuya annoyingly woke up to. Chuuya is normally a morning person but first day back to school is something no one is ever fond of. He reaches to the side of his bed to grab a hairband he left there, the night before and began lazily tying his hair back. He'd do it properly later.

Suddenly, footsteps were approaching his room and that's when he heard the door open.

"Ah! You're up! Come now, I've made your favourite", Koyou smiles. That improves chuuya's mood slightly as he finally gains the effort to get himself out of bed. Koyou's cooking was usually brilliant when she actually put in the effort.

"Morning, Chuuya", a small girl with dark purplish hair spoke, sitting quietly on a chair.

Kyouka was taking in by Koyou after her parents unexpectedly passed a few years ago. Her and Chuuya don't talk very much but when they do it's usually pleasant.

Koyou smiled at the two as she set chuuya's plate down.

"Eat up, it's bound to be a long day for you", She told him. Chuuya groaned and sat down and slowly started to eat.

"I've been dreading this for absolutely ages", He mumbled, resting his head on his palm. Koyou chuckled.

"You'll be fine, I promise. You've worked hard for this moment. Besides even if you fail your exams, you won't be living another day to even become broke and homeless", Koyou glared at Chuuya who suddenly started to eat quicker. Kyouka laughed slightly before beginning to clean up her dish.

"Thanks, Koyou. It was great. I'm gonna go get ready now", She nodded then left to enter her room.

There was a silence that filled the room until the taller woman spoke.

"Did you hear that the ADA school is colliding with your school? They spent the entire summer building a second section of it so the ADA pupils could join", She explained, sitting beside chuuya. Chuuya eyed her and raised an eyebrow before finishing his mouthful of food.

"What the fuck are they doing that for?", He asked. Koyou ignored his use of swearing and proceeded.

"The ADA's building caught on fire and destroyed a set of the school, so they made an agreement to help each other out", She informed, setting her tea down. Chuuya was not impressed.

"Bullshit! That school's full of smartasses", Chuuya complained, crossing his arms. Koyou laughed and took Chuuya's dish from him.

"You best get ready, busy day ahead", she nodded towards his bedroom as she began to clean up. Chuuya complied and started to get ready. But the entire time all he could think about was how this was going to impact the school. He doesn't exactly like school but he does well and it can be alright.

"Chuuya!! Can you help me with my hair?", Kyouka called. Chuuya takes incredibly good care of his hair. If he senses anything off about it he will throw a fit.

"Alright, come in here!", He called back. Seconds later, Kyouka was walking in with two hair bands held in her hand. Chuuya walked behind her and behind styling it in two long plats.

"There you go. What's the time?", He asked, shaping his hat on his head to look right. Kyouka glanced at her watch which read


"Your bus arrives in 15 minutes", She replied. Chuuya nodded then walked out, slinging his bag over his shoulder.

"Koyou, I'm walking to school with Gin and Akutagawa. You don't need to worry about me being late for the bus", He said, twisting the key in the door. Koyou said her goodbyes before Chuuya finally got the door unlocked and began walking down the pavement where he saw the two Akutagawa siblings.

"Hey!", He waved, now jogging over to them. Gin gave him a smile and Akutagawa nodded.

"How are you two?", He asked. Gin gave a thumbs up. Gin was never much for talking, she enjoys staying quiet. Akutagawa was much more of a talker when he felt like it though.

"We're ok. Not much happened over the summer, Gin was just hanging out with her boyfriend the entire time, honestly", Akutagawa informed, eyeing Gin, who smacked him in the arm after finishing his sentence. Chuuya laughed.

"Who's the lucky guy?", He questioned, adjusting his hat. Gin blushed and whipped out her phone and began scrolling. She managed to find a photo and showed Chuuya who raised his eyebrows.

"Tachihara? How'd he manage to pull you?", He joked. Gin chuckled softly, before they began walking down to the school.

"Hey, did you hear about the ADA joining forces with our school?", Akutagawa asked. Chuuya nodded.

"I think it's a bunch of bullshit. They're rich enough to just build a new side of the school", Chuuya scoffed, crossing his arms. Gin shrugged and showed him a photo of the schools remains.

He doesn't know what the hell that fire looked like but it must've been big. It looks like half of it was burnt down.

"Fucking hell, maybe not then", Chuuya mumbled.

The three resumed walking until it was 8AM on the dot. Many people were already there, some Chuuya recognised, some Chuuya didn't.

But there was one particular person that caught his eye.

He had brown hair that was messily laid out, bandages across his arms, a beige trench coat and other shit that wasn't really important. But what really caught his eye, was the bandages.

"Wait a fucking minute..", Chuuya muttered. Both the akutagawa's looked confused and began looking in the direction Chuuya was staring at. They immediately noticed.

"Is that.. Dazai?", Gin muttered for the first time of the morning. Chuuya blinked multiple times.

The last time he saw dazai was when he was 13 turning 14, he is now 15 turning 16.

"No fucking way", Chuuya sputtered, furrowing his brow. Dazai was with two other people, a tall boy with glasses and darkish blonde hair, and a shorter boy with a confusing haircut.
The three stared a bit longer before it seemed like Dazai had noticed them. He didn't react tho, he took a second to glance then turn away almost immediately.

"I'm gonna kill him i swear to god..", Chuuya grumbled. Akutagawa looked dumbfounded. See, Dazai and Akutagawa have a strange sort of relationship.

When they first met, Akutagawa had just joined the school and Dazai was in the year above him. He would attempt to improve Akutagawa's bravery but it was in an unpleasant way. He would often pretend to be a bully and teach akutagawa to stand up for himself whenever they hung out after school but his actions were too harsh to be considered 'helping'. Ever since then, Akutagawa has wanted to prove to him how strong he can be.

Gin and Dazai didn't speak a lot but she has held a grudge for how he treated her older brother, but it was never exactly shown.

Chuuya however, was inseparable from dazai. They annoyed the fuck out of each other but you could understand they had a certain connection that just made sense. Anyone could tell that if you tried to come between them it would not become very pretty. That was until Dazai unexpectedly abandoned the school and his peers. It was some time after a teacher of the schools passed away. There were rumours that dazai was close with that teacher and he just left the school because of how devastated he was. Chuuya was still incredibly hurt either way. But Chuuya being who he is managed to cover it up behind drinking and laughing it off. Not that he was exactly allowed but he didn't let that bother him. Ever since, Chuuya would grimace at even the mention of Dazai's name. But now, seeing him in person, brings out a new type of enragement in chuuya no one ever thought they would be able to emerge.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2023 ⏰

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It was you leaving that scarred • SKKWhere stories live. Discover now