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We stayed up and came up with ideas how it's going to work from now on.

"So if I get this right, you will pick up Ari after school, bring her here, take care of the house and babysit her until I come back from work?"
I made it clear for me

"Yeah, but are you okay with me staying here?"
he asked me

"I think it will be easier like this. But if you don't want to,  you don't have to live here."
I told him, I wasn't sure he was comfortable with it.

"If it's okay with you, I think it will be easier if I stayed here. I don't want you or Ari to be uncomfortable tho."

"Oh no, Ari loves you and we're friends, I'm not uncomfortable around you."

He nodded

"I can also make sure you're okay."
He told me. I looked at him and I saw the embarrassment in his face. I acted like I didn't hear it, so I don't make him uncomfortable.

"But i think I should also say this.
I'm not ready to... you know... clean my moms room. I just don't feel I'm ready to do it. So if you didn't mind, could you sleep on the couch for a while? Or you can sleep in my bed and i will sleep in Ari's room, but I'm really not ready to make any changes in her room." I told him

"Of course, I didn't even expected you to do that. The couch is actually pretty comfortable." He smiled at me

"Thank you Minho." I told him sincerely. I meant that. I was so thankful to him.
He just smiled back

Oh if you only knew what this smile does to me

"Also, if you're going to pick up Ari from kindergarten, we need to go there together and let the teacher know, so she could give Ari to you."
I told him

"Yeah ." Minho told me

"I still can't believe it." I told him

"What?" He looked at me in confusion

"The LEE MINHO who everyone is afraid of is going to take care of a little girl VOLUNTARILY."

"I'm not mean like everyone is telling I am."

"How that even happened?" I asked him


"How that even happened?" jisung asked me yawning


"How did know...came to the conclusion that you are...."

He didn't finish that sentence. He fell asleep on my shoulder. I knew he was really tired and we spent like a hour making things clear. He wasn't sleeping that much this week too. Not only that, I also found out he hasn't been eating. He looked so tired and exhausted. I didn't want to wake him up, he deserved that sleep. I just took his head gently, holding it at the same angle, so he wouldn't wake up. Then I sat on the couch and put his head on my lap, so he would lay down. He looked like he was having a peaceful sleep. I couldn't help but admiring him. He was beautiful, even tho he didn't know that. I stayed another hour awake, just to make sure he is sleeping and getting the rest he needed. It was like 3 am at this point, but I didn't care. I was so tired, so I just dozed off.

When I woke up, jisung was still sleeping on my lap. I checked the time, it was still kind of early for Saturday. We were really lucky this all happened on friday. I saw Ari getting up and she was about to say something, but i shushed her, pointing at jisung on my lap. She understood and went to sit next to me.

"Did you sleep well?" I whispered

She nodded and looked at jisung.

"Was he really tired when he came back?"  she asked

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