9. Confrontation.

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THE three teens had been walking slowly in the direction of the restaurant that the original group were to meet in for a couple of minutes now. Passing streetlight after streetlight, conversations occasionally breaking the comfortable silence.

The dining invitation had been extended to Jasper, but the tall blonde declined. Instead he offered to escort the two females to the restaurant considering the darkness that had rapidly enveloped the sky.

The vampiric teen watched with amusement as the two females in front of him conversed silently. A quiet chuckle emitting from his lips as Dahlia grabbed Trixie's hands to get her to sign slower so that she could understand. 

The leather clad teen had asked her mute companion to teach her some sign language, it had taken time, but Trixie was both ecstatic that her friend wanted to learn her main method of communication and the fact that she didn't have to carry a notebook and pen all the time. Trixie felt sorry for Dahlia on occasion because the sign language she used was the British one, yet Dahlia had only ever been exposed to the American sign language, however she was proud of her companion as she had picked up the alphabet and a couple simple words very quickly. 


The trio were walking through a small car park when the same group from earlier approached them, alcohol a common smell amongst the group of males. 

Trixie attempted to shield herself from view by stepping slightly behind the tall Texan boy, however that action went in vain as she was pulled backwards with force, an arm wrapping around her, holding her by the shoulders with arm, the hand of the other arm trailing the side of her small hourglass shaped body. 

Trixie willed her body to move. To fight, or at least try to. But she was to consumed at the feeling of both the hand moving along her body and the arm that applied pressure onto both her shoulders and her neck.

 The stranger had her locked in.

The smell of alcohol had only made the situation worse, the mute teenagers' fight or flight instincts kicked in, and it was clear that neither were winning.

She was frozen.

Her companions however, were not.

The timid adolescent couldn't really process all that was happening, all she did know was that her two friends were holding their own against the suddenly violent men, whereas she was stood pathetically like a deer in headlights, the drunks hand groping her was all that she could feel and as much as her mind was screaming, begging her to do something, she didn't. 


After seeing that the feisty female could hold her own after witnessing her strike one of the attacking males in the groin, Jasper proceeded to pick off any of the others that chose to join the now fight; making his way towards a trapped Trixie, who at this point, had tears falling down her face. 

A low snarl breached his lips, no-one, no-one  touched his mate unless she wanted them too.

His anger only amplified as he felt her fear spike through the muted cloud that surrounded her emotions. 

Filled with anger as well as the over-powering primal instinct of tearing the drunks head off, Jasper prowled forward. All worries of revealing his vampirism to his new found companions were thrown to the wind as his sharp gaze was focused on the consistently travelling hand that was exploring his mates body against her will. 

Every time Jasper took one step forward, the drunk took two back, all the while dragging Trixie with him. 

The Vampire mentally begged Trixie to fight, but her fear overpowered her, Jasper didn't need to be an empath to know that, the way  that her muscles had seized and her breath became erratic, she was a turtle on her back, she couldn't get out of this herself and the boy knew that. 

At this point Trixie's vision was so clouded by tears that she couldn't see anymore. Flashes of memories long-ago buried played through her mind, one's that she tried to shake away unsuccessfully.

She barely processed the feeling of the mans arms unravel from her body before her shaking form was brought into a warm, leathery embrace. Quiet sobs filled the air as Dahlia soothed her friend as best as she could, doe eyes watching as the golden haired boy pushed the drunk against a nearby wall, his body making an audible thud against the brick, and whisper something in the strangers ear. 

Whatever it was it made the attackers' eyes widen before running off down the slight hill and out of sight.

Dahlia watched the tension leave Jaspers shoulders, he clenched and unclenched his fists a couple of times before finally turning back to the two females, his dark gold eyes locked onto the tears that were sliding down his mates face.


Jasper wanted to take away her fear, at least a little bit, enough to make her feel safe enough to continue the trek back to the restaurant. And so, throwing caution to the wind for a second time, Jasper allowed the slightest sensation of security to rush over him as he focused on the sobbing girl, determined to make her feel safe again, to make her smile like she did not minutes before when she was happily signing away to Dahlia about her new purchases - which now lay forgotten on the pavement.

Trixie's sobs lessened, her breathing slowed. But she remained tense, on guard.

So, Jasper took a risk.  

A cold hand came in contact with a slightly warm back, and golden eyes met doe brown. 

As if answering his silent question, Dahlia gently guided the hiccupping girl to the cooler embrace of the tall Texan. 

Jasper expected her to turn away, to reject his attempt at making her feel better, but she didn't. Trixie nestled into the cold embrace of the much taller boy, relishing in the coolness of his body, with her head tucked into his chest, she closed her eyes and breathed deeply, along with the grazing of fingers along her back, Trixie found her racing heart to be slowing much quicker than before. 

Seeing that she was comfortable, Jasper allowed himself to relax, his body curling around her. His spine bent downwards slightly as he put his head on her shoulder, the girl almost disappearing completely from Dahlia's view. 

Dahlia smiled lightly to herself whilst witnessing the two embrace, her smile widening by a centimetre or so as the tall Texan pulled her slightly into the hug. 

Yes Jasper had to be careful. But Dahlia mattered to Trixie, and if she mattered to Trixie, she mattered to him too. 

Vampirism be damned.


Chapter 9 has come to end.


Hopefully this isn't going too fast or too slow for you guys :)
Thank you for reading!

Grey - x

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