Part 1 - The Beginning

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(This is the very beginning where Xia is 5 years old and Sebastian is also 5 since they're twins)


I woke up with a small yawn to be greeted by my father, Alias or Selents, watching over me, he then smiled at me, i giggled then sat up .I then put my arms up for him to and he picked me up, making me lay in his arms while i held onto one of his hands with my small little hands. "Hello my beautiful Xiatrilopitopous" Said my father and i smiled when he said my name.

"Hewooo Dada!" i say happily with a small giggle and he smiled down at me and i take one of his hands and hold onto it with a giggle then he started tickling, i giggled so much, then he stopped when i heard my twin brother, Sebastian crying so he put me back down, back on my bed.mMy father then went over to Sebastian and picked him up then rocked him back an' forth, i was curious so i hopped off my bed and wobbled over to my father an' Sebastian and then my father crouched down to me, with Sebastian, falling asleep in his arms.

i looked at Sebastian, my dear twin brother who was falling back asleep and then i looked back up at my father, an' he smiled then i looked back down at Sebastian and hugged him but it was a terrible hug since i was standing and he was laying down in my father arms, an' my father laughed quietly but i did wake Sebastian up and i looked at me an' smiled happily 

I then let Sebastian go and he climbed out of my fathers arms an' then he hugged me, causing us to fall over an' we both giggled like crazy cause of it, and then it also caused my father to laugh as well as he watched us with a smile. Me and Sebastian giggled happily then we both looked up at our father an' he pulled us onto his lap then wrapped his arms around our small bodies, we all closed our eyes but i kept my open curiously as i stayed still but scanned the room with my eyes, full of pure interest.

In my head, i thought the room smelt a bit different and that i was being watched but then Selents, put his hands over my eyes which caused me to squeak in surprise then i heard him giggling even though the giggling was very soft, i could hear him, i made me smile. Selents is mostly always busy protecting us and the village but when he has time with us, i like to make it my goal to make him laugh because i know if he's laughing, then he's happy.


I seem to have started giggling by Xiatrilopitopous, my lovely daughter. Her little silly squeak caused me to start giggling but it was quiet giggling, though it was clear that Xia could hear me giggling since i saw a little happy smile appear on her little chubby face. It made me smile because i knew she was happy that she made me giggle since she at least tries to every time i'm with them though i think its cute.

I then uncover her eyes and she looks at me happily, i respond with a smile which definitely made her smile more

"Your so silly my little Xia" I say to her with a smile and she giggles then i ruffle her hair a bit, i make sure to look over at Seb who is dead asleep on my leg which made me quietly giggle again. I looked back at Xia when she yawned and i stood up, carrying them both. I put Seb in his bed first since he's already asleep then i go and put Xia in her bed. I then quietly go to my room, i plop on my bed and fall asleep, feeling exhausted 

Hello! This is the end of chapter 1! sorry if it feels short! i didn't know entirely what to do for chapter one but i tried my best to not but many 'ands' an 'then' because i tend to do that a-lot by accident, also if their is any spelling mistakes, please do tell! i will fix it!

But anyways! make sure to sleep, eat, have water and take a break once and a while! 

And make sure to add this to your library if you wanna see more!

By the way! i am thinking about maybe making more books but im not entirely sure about what it would be but maybe my AU that Xia is in or other things! but if you have any suggestions i would be happy to read them! (Please keep the suggestions slightly more 10+ so maybe 1 smut or 2 smut suggestions and thats all the smut suggestions done)

 (If you don't get it, i don't want like lots of smut suggestions since I'm not that good at doing things like that but i will allow 2 smut suggestions in your suggestions)

But anyways! see you all in chapter 2! <3

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2023 ⏰

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