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It's Cake Day, the day where the residents of Seasonal Shanty bake and eat cake for EVERY MEAL!

"Oh, boy! My cake is gonna be the best!"
Jammy said, ecstatic.

He made a 4-layer chocolate cake with strawberry frosting and rainbow sprinkles.

"All I need now is a topper, and.."

The door slammed open.

"Hey, Jammy. Something smells good!"
Said Vi, wearing nothing but her skirt and top, as usual.

"Hey, Vi. Happy Cake Day!"
Said Jammy

"Wait, that was TODAY!?"

"Yes. Why?"

Vi completely forgot that it was today.

"I don't have a cake! This is bad!"

Then Vi's stomach growled.

"Want something to eat?"
Jammy asked.

"Yes, actually. And I see my breakfast right here!"
Vi said, a little dark.

"What do you mean?"
Jammy nervously inquired.

Just then, Vi took a bite out of Jammy's head and swallowed it.


Vi didn't respond. She just kept chowing down on the cake monster.

"Vi, please!"

Vi stopped after 5 minutes.

"Vi.... What have you done?"
Jammy asked, now chewed up.

"I was hungry. You're made of cake."
Vi said.

Her belly now stuck out, about 3 inches.

"Hmm, I'm still hungry. What do you say I get more cake? After all, let them eat CAKE!"

Vi lunged at Jammy, and bit off of him more.

As she ate Jammy, her belly also got bigger.

3 inches grew to 8 inches, and 8 inches grew to a foot.

"Vi, please stop. I'm not food."
Jammy said, barely able to speak.

"No, cuz you're made of fucking Cake! And cake is just too good!"
Vi said, which was followed up with her chomping on more of Jammy.

*30 minutes later*

(Vi let out a huge burp)

"Excuse me." Vi said.

She ate Jammy. Her belly was full of cake. Sovfull, in fact, that her belly was 4 feet across. She now also weighed 400 pounds.

"Well *huff* I guess *huff* I better slow down *huff*"
Vi said.

This was going to digest pretty slowly.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2023 ⏰

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