A new beginning in a new school

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As I entered the classroom, the cacophonous laughter and shrill voices of my new classmates assaulted my ears. I took a few minutes to survey the unfamiliar classroom, a routine I'd grown accustomed to. Much like my previous school, I knew I would have acquaintances but never a true best friend.

I sighed, accepting my reality. It didn't bother me as much anymore, though the occasional pang of loneliness still stung beneath the surface. The noise around me faded as I got lost in my thoughts, but I was abruptly brought back to reality when someone placed their arm on my shoulder.

"Are you a new student?What's your name?" a girl with an endearing smile asked, making me nervous.

"Anshika," I managed to utter, struggling with my own name due to the awkwardness of being new.

"Nice name. I'm Divya," she replied with a warm smile, causing an involuntary smile to grace my lips.

She returned to her friends, and I sighed before taking a seat at the front row. Aside from Divya, no one else approached me, which I didn't mind. I knew it would take effort to make friends here, and though I aspired to befriend them, I understood that true best friends were a rare find.

I knew the distinction between friends and best friends all too well. Friends meant casual conversations, while best friends were confidants with whom you shared your joys and sorrows. Deep down, I knew I wouldn't find a best friend here either.

Despite my attempts, the blame for my solitude would likely fall on me, though I secretly yearned for someone to understand. My mother often saw it as my fault for not having friends, a thought that drew a long, bitter scoff from my lips.

Soon the teacher arrived and the teacher's arrival prompted everyone to rise from their seats with respect. The familiar ritual of singing the "good morning teacher" song echoed through the classroom, a common tradition found in schools everywhere.

"Well good morning children, well I am new here so lets introduce ourselves."
The teacher's sweet melody voice reached my ear as  soon as we all settled back on our chair
She initiated the introductions, calling on each student one by one to share a bit about themselves

A part of the first-day-of-school routine that I always found somewhat uncomfortable.

And finally my turn came,With hesitant steps, I made my way to the front where the teacher was standing. The gaze of my classmates bore into me as I introduced myself, my voice faltering at times. "Hi, myself Anshika," I began, "I love reading, writing, singing, and drawing. My ambition is to become a doctor."
As I finished, I hurried back to my seat, finally releasing a breath I hadn't realized I'd been holding.

As the introductions of the students concluded, the teacher, Thara Krishna, began introducing herself. Her name caught my attention, and I couldn't help but admire it silently, thinking, "Such a beautiful name she has."

Well I only have one talent that is singing
As she said these lines,the students started to demand her to sing a song,even I joined them and finally she nodded her head agreeing to sing a song

Soon the class resonated with the melodious voice of our  dear class teacher, indeed it was beautiful and soothing to hear,She is blessed in singing.
As she concluded with her song the class erupted into a thunderous applause and I bet that everybody was impressed with her singing and her friendly behaviour

Before the end of the class itself we got to know that she had a great character, well today we didn't had subject wise classes as it was the first day. It was a day for the students and class teacher to introduce themselves and within a short time itself she stole our hearts.
Such a nice teacher she is!

I smiled on my thought

Even though i didn't make any friends, this day will be forever remembered by me because atleast I got a sweet teacher,My previous school's  class teacher's character was horrible but here I am glad Its not like that.

With these thoughts I entered into my school bus and sat on the window side with a smile plastered on my lips recollecting the games,fun We had with our class teacher today ,Soon the bus made its way out of the school and I closed my eyes feeling the frigid wind hitting on my face
Now its time for me to go back to my bitter reality
She thought..

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2023 ⏰

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