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this was inspired off a recent dream i had 😭 i told it to my friend and she said i should turn it into a oneshot so here we are! she was the whole inspiration for this book so thank you angel <3 i hope you all enjoy!


Y/N's pov:

I was sat in a concrete and brick tunnel with Tommy, Wilbur and Ranboo. The tunnel was kind of large, and quite wide too. It had two very small pavements at the sides and a yellow light illuminating it. the floor, walls, and arched ceiling were all concrete apart from a bit on the wall we were sat at which had chipped off and revealed the brick underneath. No cars were coming through since it was the middle of the night and the tunnel was on a side street anyway so not that many cars come through it in the day either.

I was sat on the mini pavement at the right hand side of the tunnel whilst the boys all sat on the floor in front of me in a small circle. They were talking about something, i couldn't quite make out what. I tried to listen and watched them talk for a bit.

After a while, Tommy and Ranboo have switched places with me. I'm now sat crossed legged on the floor next to Wil, who is also cross legged while tommy and ranboo are sat on the small pavement. I pull out my phone as wilbur looks at it and sees i've got a notification on my phone which is a clip of Modern Baseball singing tears over beers at their latest gig. (please pretend they are still together 😭) I hit watch later as the notification dismisses. "You a modern baseball fan?" I look up and see wilbur looking at me and my phone. I've only known tommy ranboo and wil for about a week, so we haven't really got time to know each other. "Yeah, i'd say i'm a fan, what about you?"

His face lights up into a sort of happy gasp as i say that and he smiles, "Personally, i really like them. I have done since secondary school. Can i see your playlist? I bet your music taste is good." I respond "Yeah! Of course, I'll get it up for you now." I open Spotify and try and search for my playlist, which is nowhere to be seen. "Sorry, give me a second, my main playlist has disappeared."

"If you give me your phone i can find it for you, what's it called?" See, right there is the problem. I would give him my phone but i name my playlist things i think are cringy, i know they probably aren't but i don't like showing them to people. This particular playlist i was searching for was called 'If i have my headphones in, i'm listening to these songs.' which i thought was really cringy but i didn't know what else to call it.

I reply "Oh no worries I'll find it don't worry," i continue scrolling through my spotify try and find this god forsaken playlist. Suddenly, i feel a presence behind me. Then, Wilburs arms are around my neck and he grabs hold of my arm, giggling to himself. I try and pull my arm away for his grasp as he reaches for the phone with his free hand. I try everything i can to free myself as he tries everything he can sat behind me to try and get my phone out of my hand. We are both laughing a lot. Eventually, with one big pull, i free my arm from his hand. This happens again and again until he stops, only reaching for my phone so often, but less aggressively. His arms just drool over my shoulders as he's sat behind me and i eventually click on the Spotify search bar, where you search for songs, to try and search for my fucking playlist. I look up in front of me, and Ranboo is mocking us. Me and Wilbur scoot away from each other awkwardly on the concrete floor. We sit in silence and after a bit look up and we smile at each other. I eventually find my damn playlist and hand him the phone to scroll through the songs.

"Don't try and steal it this time," i laugh as he smiles at me and starts scrolling through it.

A/N: 740 words. Hope you all enjoyed this! And yes, this was a real dream and did happen 😭, i just altered some tiny bits so it could make sense because most of my dreams have little things in that don't quite add up. But yes, the part about me and wilbur was in the dream completely unaltered. Request some one-shots, maybe? I will write them every so often, i don't know if they'll be frequent since i have school and stuff starting up again in 3 days, but we will see. I hope you all enjoyed, make sure to take care of yourselves. 💗

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