Lollipop x Anger Issues! Reader

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Requested by @n3wb1e4ll1ance_

Notes :

O/N = object name
Gender neutral reader (written with they/them)

/!\Please tell me if i got anything wrong about the way i wrote the anger issues. I tried portraying passive anger here. I educated myself as much as possible before writing this, and want to be sure i don't harm anyone by badly representing it./!\

Warnings : Swearing :P (there's just the f word like once)

Also, text like this is O/N's thoughts


"Viewers! Vote using the letters in square brackets under who you think deserves to be eliminated! The contestant with the most votes will leave the show!"

Four ended the episode the usual way, explaining the voting system. [Eight names at once] had lost today's challenge, resulting in the future loss of a member.

"Gee, Thanks O/N! We would've won if you were more careful!"


Book stormed off, glaring daggers at O/N. Ice cube followed behind her.

So it's my fault? What about them? What did they do to help the team?!

"Hey, O/N...?"

Did they not see my efforts? Do they just think i'm being lazy?

"...Earth to O/N? Hellooo...?"

I did my best though! I was doing the whole challenge while they did nothing at all...!! What hypocrites.


O/N was snapped out of their thoughts by a familiar figure shaking them by the shoulders. It was Lollipop.

"O/N, you've been spacing out for a bit now. You aren't usually like this."

They let out a heavy sigh of frustration, trying to internalise their anger.

"...It's just... I really tried my best winning this challenge. The competition matters to me, y'know? I-i really... UGH!"

They let themselves down on the ground, Lollipop sat next to them.

"I tried my best!! Why are they blaming me?! Are they fucking blind?! Book did not move a single finger the entire challenge and then proceeds to say it's my fault that we lost?!! How can she-"

"Hey O/N, breathe. It's just a challenge. I'm sure the viewers saw that you tried your best."

"But still...!! It's not fair! If anything, it's her fault that-"

"O/N. Attack the problem, not the person. The problem is that we lost. You should be mad at our loss rather than at Book."

"...Right. Sorry Lolly."

The two sat in silence for a bit, staring at the setting sun, and the rising moon. O/N turned their eyes to Lollipop, to witness the golden sunlight reflecting through her sugar head. The colored gleam made her purple tint seem slightly red. O/N turned a similar shade, but not because of the light...

Soon enough, stars began being visible all over the sky, painting it with constellations. Lollipop broke the silence again.

"See all those stars O/N? The world is huge. There's worse things than losing a challenge. We'll do better next time."

O/N did not answer, simply ingesting Lollipop's words. A bright ray of light flashed in the sky, earning a gasp from O/N.

"Look Lolly! A shooting star! ...i need to make a wish..."

Lollipop snickered

"You seriously don't believe it'll come true, right? ...Well, what did you wish for anyway?"

"...I wished for the both of us to be safe from elimination, so we can stay together."

Lollipop blushed at the answer, visibly not expecting it.

"...You... want to stay with me?"

"O-of course i do! I like you a lo- No, i love you. You're the only one who doesn't think i'm evil because of how i get mad. I can't help it."

Lollipop nodded as they vented, turning scarlet.

"...I love you too O/N. I love all of you including your anger."

630 words

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