𝘀𝗶𝘅 , two stubborn souls

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THE MORNING SUN PAINTED the sky in hues of soft gold and pale blue, casting a warm and gentle light that bathed the world in a serene glow. shafts of sunlight filtered through the leaves of the trees outside, creating dappled patterns of light and shadow on the ground below. the distant chirping of birds filled the air, accompanied by the rustling of leaves in the gentle morning breeze.

hari stood in front of the bathroom mirror, her long jet-black hair cascading down her back. sunlight streamed in through the window, illuminating her reflection as she brushed her hair with gentle, practiced strokes. her bangs framed her face, adding a touch of sophistication to her appearance.

as she continued to brush her hair, the distant sound of her brother's voice reached her ears.

"hari, if you want me to give you a ride to school, you should hurry up!"

the girl's eyes flicked to the clock on her phone, noting the dwindling minutes she had to complete her morning routine if she hoped to catch a ride with jay. with one last glance at her reflection, she set the brush aside and headed out of the bathroom.

hari moved swiftly, her morning routine honed to perfection through years of practice. her school uniform, a symbol of discipline and tradition, hung neatly in her closet. it consisted of a crisp white blouse with a peter pan collar and short, puffed sleeves. over the blouse, she wore a pleated navy-blue skirt that fell just above her knees, paired with knee-high white socks and white sneakers.

hari quickly changed into her uniform, the familiar routine making the process almost automatic. she buttoned the blouse with precision, ensuring it was perfectly tucked into the skirt. her black hair now framed her face neatly, and she adjusted her bangs to sit just right.

with her school uniform in place, she moved to the next step of her morning routine. she slung her backpack over one shoulder, making sure it was securely fastened, ready to carry the weight of books and notebooks.

hari descended the polished wooden staircase that led from the second floor to the ground floor of their spacious home. the pristine white walls and elegant decor that adorned the house seemed to emphasize the air of formality that had taken hold within their family.

as she reached the bottom of the stairs, she entered the living room, a room that had often been the backdrop for countless family gatherings and discussions. today, it held an air of uneasy quiet, with her parents seated on the plush couches, their expressions still etched with traces of the previous day's confrontation.

her mother sat with her back straight, her posture exuding an air of authority. she wore an impeccably tailored business suit, a reflection of her professional success. on the other couch, her father sat, engrossed in the newspaper, his face hidden behind its pages.

"good morning," hari greeted them politely, her voice carrying a note of formality.

her mother glanced up from her work, her eyes still holding a glimmer of frustration. "hurry up, hari," she replied, her tone curt. "you don't want to be late for school."

hari nodded, her lips pressed into a thin line. the morning routine had become a silent battleground, a ritual that underscored the strained relationship between her and her parents. she understood the importance of maintaining appearances, but beneath the facade of obedience, a simmering resentment continued to brew.

with that, hari made her way to the front door, where jay was waiting, the car engine already running.

hari stepped out into the crisp morning air, the scent of freshly cut grass and blooming flowers permeating her senses. jay held the passenger door open, a silent gesture of goodwill despite their parents' displeasure.

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