She tells him she doesn't love him.
He breaks inside but would never admit it. Not to her.
He wants her happy, she takes advantage of that.
Of him.
His kindness.
His love.
She's a monster now.
Expecting him to stay when she can't even keep from hurting him.
She doesn't want to hurt him.
she wants his hurt to stop.
She can't.
What she has to do to do that isn't right.
He's so in love with her.
She takes advantage of him.
He is the strongest person she's ever met.
He is there for her no matter what,
See, the crazy thing is here, he doesn't see what the problem is.
The problem is her.
She's the killer.
He thinks of himself of the killer.
She's the true demon.
She will be the one going to hell.
Burn in hell you bitch,
slit your wrists.
Jump off a bridge.
Take that bottle of pills.
Stop killing him slowly.
You fucking murderer.