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I threw myself out of bed and ran downstairs to see what had happened. It was 5:30am and school started in three hours. This must have been an emergency because mom never wakes me up so early. I slowed myself down once I approached the final steps being cautious of how close I was. I don't like speaking without brushing my teeth.

"Yes ma'am?" I spoke holding back as much breath as possible.

"I am headed to work. We found some new material at the office and I have to go check it out. If I'm not back by dinner-"

"Make sure the twins eat and bathe before nine o'clock and empty the trash, dish washer, and clean the kitchen and dining room table," I went on as I inched my way back upstairs "Don't use to much power and lay out everyone's outfits for the morning, fill the the coffee machine and get to bed before eleven you too mom." I made it to the second floor as I heard the door close.

Everything with her was always predictable. She would leave early in the morning only to return three days later. I never really expect anything different from this experience. Although I am disappointed I was awoken for no reason, I am glad she had the decency to say goodbye before leaving. Even though I didn't hear it.

I walked past my room toward Miya and Mia's room just in time to see they set there alarms early. As always. I ran in and unplugged the alarm clock before it woke up the whole house. These two can never get it right. Miya and Mia are identical twins. They were born when I was ten which places them at seven years old.

Miya is the oldest by forty-five seconds. She has a milk chocolate smooth skin tone with a few uneven spots (one of the only ways to tell them apart). Miya's hair a is nice and naturally curly brown. Although she loves her hair to be free, it is too fragile to start straightening. She has big almond eyes and a pearly white smile. Her sense of style is more toward the skirts and jewelry category. Mia on the other hand is the Tom boy twin. She has a passion for basketball and loves to wear jeans but fitted shirts. Her eyes are a wider almond shape and her hair is more up then down. The only time you'll catch Mia's hair done is after a good wash.

I returned to my room only to find I now had two hours left to sleep. My first day of Junior year and already I'm sleep deprived. What a day.


We finally arrived to our new home. When I looked up toward the sky, I could see the beautiful sunrise beginning. Thankfully it wasn't as hot as I have been hearing. I looked around to see the community we now lived in. A quiet yet semi-rich association. I could only imagine the people living here. I looked at my wrist watch and saw it was half past seven. What if I'm not accepted? I mean they can't turn me away. It's my first day in the state, can I really be penalized for being late to school?

"Jason sweetie," my mother called me gaining my full attention "Here's your book bag. Dad will be taking you to school and you are to pay attention okay? I know you are tired but we can not have you missing any days."

I just nodded my head and kissed the apple of her cheekbone. My brother was already in the car when I noticed he was in front.

"No." I declared.

"Backseat. Now!" he threw open the door and huffed a cloud of air.

"I never get to have the front seat!" hr whinned.

"Keep going and you never will." I spit back at him.

Kevin was a newly developed teenager. He just turned thirteen before we had moved out her to Arizona. He's a bit short for his age, 5'4 to be exact, but puberty hasn't hit him yet. Kevin has the greenish grey eyes of the family that I never recieved. Instead I have deep brown hazel eyes. Kevin is a gamer who loves my father's achievements as a lawyer. Everything my father does, Kevin takes note of.

My father hates all African-American people for some reason. I on the other hand love their culture and lifestyle. But my father is not so accepting.

Speaking of my father.

He approached the car door and opened it vigorously as if he were angry. I could see his jaw tightening as he began clenching his fists. That's how we know he and mom had a "talk". I didn't even desire to ask what was wrong. Dad put the car in motion and off to school we went.

During the ride over to Kevin's school, a kid was riding the same direction on his bike. Kevin rolled down his window and shouted the most disrespectful remark.

"Hey black boy! I need help in my yard later!" My father just chuckled as I turned around and punched him in his chest.

"Ow!" he yelled.

"That is not respectful Kevin! Mom would have done way worse."

"Mom's not here you noob."

I can not believe my family. I would never be a racial prejudice like them. My mother and I love all races. I plan to marry outside of my race only because I believe exploration is a big part of happiness. I see mixed dating as a nice way of exploring.

We arrived to my brother's school and soon we arrived to mine. I was ready to get out of the car when my father locked the door.

"Don't you ever disobey a rule in my house ever again. As long as you are my son we do not communicate with those people." He said looking at a group of African Americans but implying the incident with the young boy.

"We do not associate with them. We are better then them. Got it." he turned to face me as I unlocked the door and exited the vehicle with no reply.

"Sometimes dad," I said standing outside the car "I wish I weren't your son." I slammed the car door as the first bell rang. I walked off toward the building to find the main office.

This school is nothing like Oregon I thought. I entered in the hallway and found myself blindsided by a swarm of teens. I swallowed a hard pill and continued through the hall. I looked around to see just about everywhere was a locker. And on them were either gang signs or curse words. A long line of students awaited outside the office and I knew I was going to be late. I tried to push my way to the front but it was no use. Everyone was trying just as hard as I was to get to the front of the desk. I checked my watch and looked around only to capture the most beautiful almond shaped eyes I have ever seen....

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2015 ⏰

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