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AUGUST STOPPED THE CAR, with an almost bored expression on his face. He didn't think that he'd have to be the one taking Y/N home, but here he was, basically already at her house. It wasn't like he had a problem with doing so, it's just that Phoenix was the one making him cancel anything he wanted to do after school just so that he could drop her home, which he thought was completely unnecessary even though he didn't have any problems with the woman. He never thought his friend would be going this crazy over a girl, so that made him feel all weird on the inside, and also sad for her since he knew how he was.

"Is this it?" He questioned the female beside him, his head turning to the side so they could make eye contact before he let her leave. He'd never done that before, so it kind of felt a little weird, especially since Phoenix wasn't there with him, but he didn't want to make it weird either.

Grabbing her backpack up against her legs, that's when Y/N nodded her head up and down with an awkward chuckle that was followed with yet another laugh from the redhead that kept one hand on the wheel while he patiently waited for the woman to leave off to her house, "Yeah... You have the right place, August.."

"Cool, cool..." Was all he muttered to the H/C haired teen that only gripped her bag tighter, causing the ginger to strain his eyes at her a little since he still had some of his own stuff to do.

Y/N didn't say anything for a few seconds, making the ginger even more impatient with each second that flew past the both of them before he piped up at the sound of her voice running through his ears just like before, "Ummm, I have a question for you August.."

Now that wasn't what the man thought he'd hear, so that kind of made him a little nervous. He automatically assumed that she wanted to talk about Phoenix, and that wasn't something August wanted to go through at the time. His mind already seemed to be filled with all of the stuff he had already planned for the rest of the day, "W-What is it...?"

She wondered if this question would hit too hard for August since she and everybody else knew how he felt towards the blonde woman, but she just quietly shrugged to herself and just let it blurt out past her lips, "Do you.. do you know where Phoenix is right now..?"

"Well, I mean yeah. Most of the time he always tells me where he's going... Why..? Is he not at Isabel's right now..?" The red haired teen raised an eyebrow with a grimace showing over every part of his face. It was obvious that he was concerned about something, but Y/N was just stunned because she didn't know how he'd just let Phoenix over to the woman he loved without a worry in the world before she even questioned him.

She started to pick at the sides of her bag, only resulting in the gingers eyebrows furrowing at her odd behavior. She seemed so nervous, and he didn't know why because he was way more of a gentleman than Phoenix, "No, no... He is.. I'm just.. kind of shocked, you know..? I thought you two were like, in love with eachother or something like that..."

Augusts jaw dropped at what he'd heard, but it wasn't because of anything else. It was because he knew she was absolutely correct about that little thought she had. He was so madly in love with her, she just had eyes for the raven haired man he called his friend, "Huh? Why do you think that...?"

"No reason...! I.. I should probably just-" just as Y/N was about to open the door next to her, she felt a hand press onto her shoulder, causing her to look back at the taller teen that glanced to the side a little.

She pursed her lips at his silence before she listened to the loud sigh that he let escape his mouth, gaining every ounce of her attention, "Wait... Ummm.. Actually.. Y/N, you're right... I do like Isabel, I really really do... It's just that... She doesn't like me at all anymore..."

The E/C eyed female bit down on her lip, her heart racing since she knew what she was about to be in for with the ginger that had his own lips forming into a tight line due to her short pause of silence, "Anymore..?"

"Yeah... But we don't need to get into any of that bull crap, that's something-" he was cut off by the sound of her soft voice waving through his ears, making him pipe up a little. He didn't ever think he'd be telling someone something so private to him, and he didn't think it'd be her of all people he'd be telling it to.

Turning her whole body towards a quiet seeming August that only cowered down a bit into his seat while he slipped his hand away from the wheel, she nodded her head, sending him reassuring eyes, "Wait, no... You.. you could tell me..."

"Really..?" His voice was way lower than before and she took note of that, but she still made sure that he could be comfortable enough to tell her anything. She wanted to know more about Phoenix, even if she was making herself feel worse about the actual type of person he was.

"Mhmmm.." she hummed, still continuing to egg on August with her shinning E/C eyes before she watched him turn his own head straight ahead, nervous for what he had in store for him even though he should've been more scared of what he was going to say.

"Okay...? Well.. a while ago, me and Isabel used to date.. and... I had a huge huge crush on her. I used to fail tests because she was all I ever thought about. It was so crazy to me... Anyway, Phoenix had no clue that I was with her, but that's only because almost every girl had a crush on him... And I didn't want her to like him as well...!"

Y/N scoffed out at the redhead, and she couldn't help but feel bad listening to the little cracks in his voice. It was so very obvious that he was still so inlove with her even though she'd already moved on from him, and that made her feel so much worse about what she done with Phoenix, "Seriously..?"

"Yup..! So, he found out that I was with Isabel since.. apparently he stalked me or something like that...?? Whatever... He was jealous that I blew him off for her, and understandable of course, but.. he was so upset with me that he even got Isabel to like him, and after that... She just dumped me so that they could get together. He would rub her all in my face whenever he got the chance, and I wasn't expecting them to stay together for so long.."

While he was speaking about his little story with him, Phoenix, and Isabel, he had his arms wrapping around his body as a sad glint showed through his eyes, the sound of Y/Ns voice making contact with his ears once again, "That's.. that's horrible, August... I'm sorry that that happened to you..."

"Nah, it's alright... I just got used to them being together, but that didn't mean that I fell out of love with her."

She seemed so confused. She didn't know why Phoenix would put his friend in so much hell if they were friends, but she also didn't know how August still hadn't lost feelings for the blonde teen, "Wait... Why was he still with her if you'd already gotten used to them being together?? It doesn't make any sense to me..."

"They were still together because... Isabel just kind of... Blossomed and every guy had something for her, so I think he was just with her to show her off like she was some kind of prize even though he didn't like her at all... She was still too blind to see that he didn't like her at all, and it was too late because she went crazy for him..."

That's when Y/N started to chew on the inside of her cheek with her own E/C eyes beginning to wander around, "I.. I feel so bad for her... Oh god.."

August could've only thought of one response for the woman beside him, "Yeah... I do too.."

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