Part 1

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Miles is on his way back to his apartment after patrolling the city all night as Spider-Man. It's early in the morning and the city is still quiet. As he's walking up the street, he stops in his tracks as he sees someone swinging from building to building in the distance. She's wearing a suit that he's never seen before and she's moving fast, almost too fast for him to keep track of. He can't help but watch in amazement as she navigates the city with ease. As she gets closer, he realizes that it's the new female Spider-Man he met at the Avengers facility earlier that day--the one who had helped them take on the villain they were tracking. He has a feeling that they're going to be working together a lot more in the future.

In the weeks following their meeting at the Avengers facility, Miles and y/n had begun to work more closely together, taking down various criminals and villains that showed up in their city. They both had a natural talent for fighting, and they found that they worked incredibly well as a team. They would often train together, honing their skills and testing out new moves and techniques.

One day, while they were out on patrol, y/n spotted a strange object glowing in the distance. It was a strange, green-tinged cube that looked like it was made of solid energy. They quickly made their way over to investigate and found that it was emitting a strange signal that was interfering with their communication devices. They knew that it could be dangerous and decided to take it back to their base for further inspection. Once there, they discovered that the cube was actually an alien artifact with the ability to absorb and manipulate matter and energy. y/n and Miles quickly realized that they had stumbled upon something powerful and dangerous, and they knew that they had to put an end to its destructive potential.
Together, they set out on a series of missions to gather information and trace the origins of the artifact. They encountered a number of enemies and dangers along the way, but their training and teamwork helped them overcome every obstacle. In the end, they were able to destroy the artifact and save countless lives. The experience served to further strengthen their already close bond, and they went on to have many more adventures together.

It was a typical day at the university. y/n, who is a student at the university, was sitting in their dorm room, doing their homework. Suddenly, they heard a commotion coming from outside, and when they looked out the window, they saw Miles swinging by on his web shooters. y/n quickly put on their Spider-Man suit and went outside to help Miles stop the criminal they had been tracking.

Together, they defeated the criminal and returned to the university. But the night was far from over. While they were out, Miles had noticed some suspicious activity on the university grounds, and they had to investigate. It turned out that there was a gang of criminals who were planning to break into the university's computer system and steal sensitive data.

y/n and Miles confronted the gang and fought them off. y/n used her web shooters to immobilize one of the criminals, while Miles used his spider sense and super strength to take down the others. After the fight was over, they turned over the criminals to the authorities and returned to the university.

Their adventure had not only stopped a crime, but it had also deepened their friendship. They knew that they could count on each other to help out in any situation, whether it was dealing with criminals or simply navigating the ups and downs of life

y/n gave miles a high five and giggled that made miles blush under his mask

As y/n giggled, Miles smiled back at her underneath his mask. He was not sure what it was about her that made him feel so happy. He loved her sense of humor and how she always made him laugh. As a superhero, Miles faced a lot of danger and fear on a daily basis, but when he was with her, he felt like he could forget about all of that and just be himself.

"great job miles" "Uh, thanks. Great job yourself" He said, sounding a bit flustered. y/n had given him a compliment, and he didn't know how to respond. He was used to being in control and leading the way, but now he was feeling a bit awkward and out of his element.

As they swung through the city, y/n noticed that Miles was starting to get tired. She could see him starting to slow down and could hear the heavy breathing through his mask. "Are you okay, Miles? You sound winded." She said, concerned.

Miles took a deep breath and slowed his swinging, "Yeah, I'm starting to feel it. We should probably head back to the lair and call it a night." He said, looking up at her.

they both land on a building As they land, Miles takes off his mask and wipes the sweat off of his face. He looks up at the y/n and gives her a small grin before speaking, "Well, that was an adventure. I didn't realize I was starting to wear down back there."

"I could tell, you did really well though, especially considering how late it was. I think it's time to call it a night and head back to my place or the lair, whichever you'd like." He said as he stretched his shoulders and prepared to swing back to his place for the night.

"you pick" "Let's head to the lair, I always feel better when I have my suit on." He said, as he pulled her up to the sky on another web. Miles was starting to feel tired, but he could feel the rush of adrenaline that always followed a night of crime fighting. He was glad she was there, it made the work a lot less lonely and much more exciting. They swung towards the super hero base and landed on the roof, waiting to see if the rest of the team was there as well. Miles sat down on the couch, he was pretty tired after a big night of fighting. He took off his gloves and removed the mask as he exhaled a heavy breath. "Well, it was a pretty exciting night for sure. I just hope tomorrow won't be too boring, heh" He said with a half-joking tone, trying to sound tough, but it was obvious he was exhausted.

*chapter done*

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2023 ⏰

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