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"Kenshi-sama...where are you?" I yelled, limping my way through the forest. My right ankle was badly sprained after I got thrown from my horse on the way to my wedding. To add to my horrible luck, I got separated from my group hours ago. Now it was dark and I had no idea where I was. However, I suppose you, the reader, would like some information on me to further help you understand this story. Well, my name is Rai Liang, the lucky bride to be of Takeda Takahashi of the Shirai Ryu clan and the daughter of Kuai Liang of the Lin Kuei clan. This is important because the Takahashi family had been rivals of the Liang family up until now. My mother also died because she believed in the families union. Takeda and I hope to continue her dream and break that feud with our marriage. I am 22 years old and short for my age. I have long raven black hair in a single braid and bright ice blue eyes. Kenshi-sama is my loving father-in-law that I've known ever since I met Takeda. Although, he's pretty much how this whole mess started in the first place. If he had not taken such an unfamiliar route, this would have never happened! So, now back to my current predicament. In complete despondency and exhaustion I collapsed against a tree, the world around me blurring from the tears forming in my eyes. "Kenshi-sama...!" I called out wearily once more. The pain in my ankle was intensifying so continuing was not an option. However, if someone didn't find me soon, I would die here. Before the darkness of sleep overtook me, I heard the soothing voice of my mother telling me that everything would be alright.

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