Chapter 1

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Today was the Kuroo's graduation and Kenma was very nervous because he had decided that today was the day that he'd finally tell Kuroo that he has a crush on him.
"This is it I can finally do this. It will be fine," Kenma told himself hopefully as he looked at his reflection in the mirror. As he was in the bathroom attached to his room trying to boost his confidence he didn't hear Kuroo enter his room. It wasn't until he turned to leave the bathroom that he saw Kuroo laying on his bed.
"Hey, kitten you ready for this?" Kuroo asks grinning at him.
Kenma rolled his eyes and tried to hide the slight blush that always covered his face when he heard that nickname.
"Does it look like I am?" He asked rhetorically gesturing to the towel wrapped around his waist.
"Oh, come on kitten we both know that you are fully dressed under that towel and all you need to do is put a shirt on. You always do this as a way to stall." He stated as he sat up and grabbed Kenmas towel to reveal that he was in fact right. Underneath the towel Kenma had on boxers and shorts.
"Hey, give me that back!!" Kenma demanded reached for the towel.
"Why? You don't need it. Now go put a shirt on while I hang this up in your bathroom." He said as he stood up.
Kenma huffed but didn't move from his original position so on his way to the bathroom by Kuroo gently pushed Kenma so that he momentarily lost his balance. As he regained his balance he was forced to move towards his dresser.
"Asshole..." Kenma grumbled as he pulled out a shirt and put it on.
"You're so mean to me and I'm so nice to you." He says putting his hands over his heart and pretending to be hurt by Kenma's insult as he walks back into the room.
"Yeah, right. We both know that is false." Kenma said rolling his eyes as he put on one of the hoodies that he stole from Kuroo.
Kuroo chuckled softly as he grabbed Kenma's game bag and hurried him out the door.

"Why do I even have to be there anyway? It's not like I'm going to do anything except play on my games." Kenma whined as Kuroo dragged him along.
"Well, I want to see you as I cross that stage," he started causing Kenma to blush a bit before he continued. "Plus I want you to meet my girlfriend."
As he said that a tall skinny blonde girl wearing a beautiful summer dress with strawberries on it and perfectly styled hair ran up behind Kuroo and hugged him 
"Speak of the devil" Kuroo joked as he turned to face her, "Kenma this is Myra, my girlfriend-"
Kuroo continued on with the introduction but Kenma couldn't hear anything anymore because with those few words and that simple act, Kenmas whole world came crashing down by his feet
"Y-your what?" He stammered as she reached out her hand to him saying something he couldn't understand due to how fast his mind was going as he tried to process the information.
"My girlfriend." He replied cheerfully wrapping an arm around her.
"You have a girlfriend?" He asked looking down at the ground.
"Yeah, we've been dating for about a week now," Kuroo looked back at her and saw her nodding in confirmation.
As soon as he heard that Kenma could feel his heart breaking even more, and he tried to keep the tears from threatening to fall in.
"O-oh, I-i didn't know that." He said as he tried to keep the emotions from his voice.
"Well, now you do," Myra said snarkily, "Anyway let's get going. We don't wanna be late for our graduation." She smiled as she started leading the way.
Kuroo smiled and wrapped an arm around her shoulders as Kenma followed behind them glumly staring at the ground. 

Once they got to the school the two third years quickly went to the designated meeting area and got ready. Meanwhile, Kenma went to find a place to sit down in the back row of the stands facing the stage. When he found a spot Kenma grabbed his switch that Kuroo had handed him before they went their separate ways and started to play on it. He continued to play on his game until after the ceremony started and he heard them call Kuroo's name. As soon as he heard Kuroo's name he quickly looked up just in time to see Kuroo walking on the stage and after he was given his diploma he made a little sign with his fingers. This little sign while meanless to most meant the world to Kenma because it was something that the two had come up with when they were little that meant "I'll always be there for you". Kenma smiled a little as he returned the sign. When Kuroo saw it, his grin grew even more, making Kenma blush as he returned to his game.

When the ceremony was over Kuroo went to find Kenma with Myra, they found him in the last row of chairs absorbed in his game. So absorbed that he didn't even notice when Kuroo nudged him lightly and it wasn't until he heard Myras' voice that he snapped out of it but he still pretended to be into his game. 
"Come on Tetsu let's just leave him if he really just wants to play his game. We don't need his dead weight ruining our celebration, now do we?" She said attempting to persuade Kuroo but making her jealousy and hatred of Kenma super obvious to him but Kuroo was oblivious to it.
"What are you talking about he deserves to celebrate with us after all we've been together our entire lives so I want him to come." He replied as he took the game from Kenma and finally gained his attention. 
"Kuroo!!!" Kenma whined as he tried to reach for his game but Kuroo was too tall for him to reach it. 
"Sorry, Kitten but the ceremony's over so it's time to celebrate!" Kuroo chirped oblivious to the fact that Myra was glaring at Kenma. Kenma normally didn't like to be looked at especially as harshly as Myra was because it hurt him but there was something about Myra's glare that made him feel that made Kenma happy. 
"Asshole," Kenma muttered under his breath while resisting the slight smirk that was creeping across his face. 
"I know," Kuroo smirked at him and kissed the top of his head as he wrapped his arms around both Myra and Kenmas shoulders. "Let's go." 

All throughout the celebration, Myra was desperately trying to one-up Kenma and flaunt her and Kuroos relationship. Kenma hated it more than words could express. Even though it was a celebration on the outside but on the inside for Kenma it was a pity party, the waves of rejection and pain thundering. So it’s no surprise when Kenma and Kuroo start to drift at the start of college, one trying to save one’s self from the pain while one was to busy with the person he “loves”

Kenma gets home the pain in his heart finally being able to let it out, Kenma decides to play animal crossing trying just to forget it all when he gets a message,
Roosterhead🐓: "Hey! We need to talk."
Kenma looks to see that it's Kuroo but the texts were so formal something he never saw Kuroo text and he has to double check it several times, shockingly he finally texts back
Kenma🐱: "Yes? I'm playing a game."
Roosterhead🐓: "Of course you are, you always are 😒"
Kenma🐱: "Is something wrong?"
Roosterhead🐓: "Yeah, you never have time for me because you're always playing your stupid games! The only reason why I even hung out with you is because my parents made me and I knew that without me you'd never get anywhere!! And what do ya know even with my help you are still a sniveling, pathetic, hopeless game addict."
Kenma🐱: "Kuroo, what do mean? What you talking about? Why are you telling me all of this?"
Kenma instinctively knew what was going to come after all he'd gone through this a million times now. He just never thought that this would come from him of all people and his tears gathered in his eyes as his heart began to break.
Roosterhead🐓: "I'm telling you don't bother trying to keep in contact with me after I go to college cause I don't want to have to deal with you ever again and will be blocking you."
As Kenma read this message his heart completely broke and the first tears began falling but he wouldn't let himself fall apart, not again not this time. Even though it was already too late and the sobs came before he could shut them down.

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⏰ Last updated: May 03 ⏰

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