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Y/N's Pov:

He then held my hands and took me to our apartment. Yes, we wanted to get ready for our first date.
As we entered the apartment, I saw a parcel kept on the table near the door.
I went towards it and looked at it.
'To my dear Y/n' it said.

"It's for you... I bought it for you!"
He said it immediately after seeing me lost looking at the parcel.

"A dress!? But why?"
"Aish! Just open it first!"

I opened the box to find a very pretty dress in that.

"Omg! This is so beautiful!... But it must be very expensive... I mean look at this, it's so pretty... Yoongi why did you bought it, this is very expensive and I can't take it like this... Please just return it back na!"

"I haven't purchased this dress to return it back! And what do you mean by you can't take it!? This is a gift for you... From your BOYFRIEND! Not someone other! So why would you not take it!?"

"But Yoo-"
"No buts! Now take this and go get dressed quickly! I want to see how it looks on you... So that the next time I bring any dress for you... I'll bring even better than this one! Now come on... Move fast!"

I smiled looking at him and his possessiveness. I went towards him and pecked his right cheek and ran inside my room before he could react!

"Yah! Why did you do that!? If you want to kiss... Why not on lips, huh!?"
I blushed at his statement.

I took a quick shower and wore my dress and applied some make up. I lastly looked at my image in the mirror to see how I looked.
I looked really pretty. Just like how he calls me... Kitten...
Thi dress is really the most pretty one I've ever seen or have got... it was so simple yet so elegant! Just the way I loved...

This is how the dress is...

I came out of the room to find him busy with his piano playing

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I came out of the room to find him busy with his piano playing...

I came out of the room to find him busy with his piano playing

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He looked so perfect. I can't believe that this angle could be my boyfriend... Nothing... Just a simple plain shirt he wore, yet he looked like the whole art kept in museum, and luckily I got this art by me...

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