love story

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Lia and jake

It's first day of school they are senior high,One day lia has a crush named jake

He didn't know that lia has a crush on him because lia is always quite.

One time lia became brave and confess his love to jake, and jake was shocked

Author:Little lia didn't know that jake has a crush on her too,so that day lia confess her feelings to jake

Lia:hey jake
Jake:oh hi(I didn't expect that)
Lia:i have something to tell you
Jake:oh me too (im planning to confess my love for her)
Lia:oh what is it?
Jake: you go first
Lia: no you go first
Jake:okay fine!

Jake:i like you lia, i like you for 3 months
Lia:(shocked) i like you too.
Jake: since when?
Lia:since last month
Jake: really?? Lia I'mma ask some question
Lia:what is it?
Jake:can i court you?
Lia of course, I've been waiting for this!!
Jake:yess!!,okay let's eat are you hungry?
Lia: yeah i didn't have time to eat my lunch
Jake: don't skip your meals,okay? Next time
Lia:im just busy earlier that's why
Jake: lets order my treat!!
Lia okayyy!!

Author:they order some food and eat together

*/After they eat

Lia: so my mom is calling me now im going home
Jake:can i drop you at your house?
Lia:no, it's okay
Jake: i insist
Lia: fine

Author: jake drop lia off at lia's house and jake left.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2023 ⏰

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