Info - New

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I am writing to you about this story not extended warranty but because I want to remake it

I thought previously to leave the early chapters as they were, but now, I want to start over with some changes. I am writing this So that you! Yes you the readers, can maybe say your thoughts as i will share broad information about what will change and I will start to say/write them now as i don't know how to segway into it as I am not Dean Kamen (Inventor of Segway)

1. Our Main Character name, will be known from the Start and Maybe I will change it, (You can comment on what you would like the name to be or if it should stay as "Jan"... also the names should either be English, Polish, or English but Polonized and Vice-versa

2. The meeting with Sheffield stays, but it's different, still in his apartment but the Circumstances are different

3. I will explore his stay at the academy more, and maybe even use some games I Have to "Simulate" lessons/practices (Ultimate Admiral: Dreadnought, War on The Sea; A - Tokyo Express mod, Abdacom Defense mod)

4. I am also giving you a chance to request certain characters to appear, just write it in the comments who, when or what they would maybe do and i will think about it, They can be from the game or the Original, you can ask for a self-insert of yourself just say how they would behave etc, (Example: I want "Y" who is an [Descirption] and maybe they could be a rival during the academy ark/An enemy commander/Mind Broken-Controlled by the siren/Pervert)

I Don't know what else to write... so I guess that's all...

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