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I feel like it's pretty much explicit, but this type of book always seem to need an introduction, so here we go.

- As I said, most of my ships are women loving women, so if you're homophobe, please go away, I want to keep this book a safe space. I also have some het and mlm ships, of course, but they represent a minority.

- What I want most, even more than to convert you to my ships, is interaction. Whether you agree or disagree with me, please let me know so we can talk about it, in civil terms of course (I'm a simp, and it's really easy to hurt the little hearts of shippers). The key word is respect, but other than that, don't hesitate to leave a commentary !

- I don't take requests, as I want to talk about ships that I love (though I might write some special chapters 👀). But feel free to recommend me some ships, as it is my passion to discover new ones ! And who knows, if I like it, I may write a chapter about it later.

- This book will be infinitely harder to read if you don't already have some experience and knowledge on the subject. I will try to always sum up the global story of the ship, so that you won't be lost even if you don't know the fandom (because that's also part of the goal), but I will use a lot of vocabulary known only by people who are already in the "ship game", may I say. If you've never been on AO3, if you've never heard the word "trope", let alone knowing what some tropes refer to, you risk to find some sentences confusing. If that happens, don't be afraid to ask me to explain ! I assume that I write for people who already know this type of things, because if I did the contrary and explained everything reading would be very annoying for those people (and also because I'm so chronically online that it became my way to write in English) but I don't mind explaining these things at all ! So really, if there is anything, ask me.

- On the other hand, you can also be the one that teaches me things. I have little knowledge in a lot of fields, and I'm also not English native (I'm french, actually). Even if I consider myself not bad in English (I study it), one is not immune against mistakes. So if you spot any grammar mistake, any vocabulary that seems weird to you, you would actually do me a favour by telling it and explaining my mistake to me. Plus it would also be more pleasant to future readers to read a story without mistakes. So yeah, I will say that a lot, but please bear with me.

- I don't know how many chapters this book will have, as my ships evolve through time (it's even possible that at some point I stop to ship some of the pairings I will present you), and I can't say that I will post regularly. This is mostly for fun, and if you choose to read this book, thank you.

If you're still here, that means you're either a simp, or simply curious (or a hater, but I want to dismiss that possibility). If they're not already published, don't worry, the next chapters will arrive soon. Thank you for your attention.

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