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"Chase can you grab that bag for me?" Blair smiles at me as she struggles to place her things in the over head compartment.  

I debated on telling her to get it herself, considering the week I had. "Sure." I grab her bag but move close to her to place it in the compartment myself so we can get this over with. She sat in her seat while I closed it.

Looking down I witnessed her staring up at me.

"Keep it moving, Elijah wants to sit." Celeste rushed. I moved to the back where Mother sat with Janice.

I opted out on sharing the same row of seats with Blair, because I know what she's been up to. I only been avoiding the temptations to not go back down that path.

I was in the aisle seat when mother was next to me and Janice in the window seat. Elijah sat in the window seat ahead of us with his mom next to him and Blair in front of me.

Annoyed with the day, I roll my head and backed it on the seat to close my eyes. Mother held my hand that rested on the arm bar.

"Unko-" I hear Elijah calling me. His one-year-old brain can't grasp the full word, uncle.

I peep one eye open to see him smiling at me through the crack of the seats. "You should have your seatbelt on little man." I said to him.


I love how he favors that word.

"Celeste get your kid." I close my eyes once more.

"I will when you stop being a kid. You've been brooding around being a butthole for no reason. Get over it and grow a pair, she's wont come back for a while and she can use any name she wants on her novels. So stop acting like a big baby and just be there for her," under her breath, I heard her mutter, "ass."

She has been working hard to not curse around the kid. Me, I couldn't care less.

I didn't answer to her remark. At this point, I wish I was Trevor taking my own flight. I should've stayed back and come up with him tomorrow.

Blair leans over her armrest near the aisle and whispers, "If it makes you feel better, I think it's messed up she hasn't moved back home after everything you've been going through. And the entire book thing Is a bit sketchy."

Before I say anything, Celeste pulls Blair. "Don't place that in his head. It's not your business."

"I'm just trying to be a friend. No one seems to notice how he is affected by this. Not like You are trying to make him feel better." Blair defends.

"Maybe because we all see through him and know he can do better than this. So stay out of it Blair. I swear to God, I'll-"

"Can we make this trip not about arguments," Mother leans up. "Elijah, seatbelt sweetie."

"Okay, Nana."

I roll my eyes at the little punk who didn't want to listen to me but listened to my mother.

On the other hand, I am awed at the fact that Blair is the only one that seems to notice and justify how I feel about all of this.

Addicted To You (TO BE PUBLISHED) Where stories live. Discover now