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Squackers was a rubber duck born in the rubber duck factory. The Yellow rubber duck factory. He was created using the best rubber and molded out using the best of molds.

When squack first opened it's eyes, he was in a box. A cardboard box. With other rubber ducks.

"Squack...?" He lets out, afraid.

The other rubber ducks turned to Squack, one of them approaching the small little rubber duckling with a rubber duck smile. "Squack, squack squack-squack squack!"

"Squack squack squack?"

"Squack squack squack!"

They were getting shipped away...? To where?

Just when Squack was questioning everything, suddenly, the cardboard box's top opened, and light came in blindingly.They all got stocked in some shelf of a random supermarket, put in small display boxes. Squack couldn't see what was written on his own box, but he caught a glimpse of one of his rubber duck mate's box.The boxes were yellow, with black and orange texts popping and having the intention of being eye catching.

*Rubber Duck Rubber Duck! Your bestest of friends! Only for $5*

Reading that, Squack was in a panick. They were getting sold off??? For 5 dollars??? Oh no, oh no no no no non no no no no-

He kept reading the labels on the display box, and his dread increased tenfold with every word he read.

*You can carry him around with you!*

*You can read him a bedtime story!*

*You can have a candlelight dinner together!*

*You can take him on your dangerous quest to save the world!*

*He can accompany you when you bathe!*

And that's when his little rubber stomach dropped.

Oh no.Squack hates water.

*Rubber duckies love a good bubble bath!*

He freezes up even more. He despises soap.

This can't be happening. Oh no. Oh no no no no no no.Squack could feel a rubber tear running down his smooth rubber face. He was going to die here. This was it. It's a cruel world.

"Squack!" He shouted to the rubber duck sitting next to him on the shelf. "Squack!"

But to Squack's terror, the rubber duck doesn't move, doesn't even seem to realize Squack's calling for him. He just sits, motionless, without life, staring off blankly into nothingness.

He looks around frantically, with heavy rubber breath. He took a closer look at the shelf he was on. Lines of rubber ducks, all in the same display boxes, staring blankly forwards.

And that was the moment Squack finally realized, he was alone.
He stays in his box, taking deep rubber breaths, but he's shaking. He's shaking. He's crying. This can't be happening right now. He was just born, he had such a bright life in front of him. He had things to live for!

Then, the door to the toy store opened, and in came a young little boy.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2023 ⏰

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