🌸 01

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" These two will be replacing the two, meet Wakasa Imaushi the new math teacher, and Sano Shinichiro as the science teacher."

"Wait-! No way! Is that Sano teacher gonna be our new adviser?! He's hot!"

"Yeah! Gosh , I hate this life! When I find someone good it's always gonna be like this."

"And that is?"

"I can't be with them. T__T)"

"Poor girl..."

"What about you , Y/N? Who do you find hot mos-- You're not listening , huh?"

E/C eyes glued to her books, she gave her classmate a 'what' look . One thing she hated most was when she's being disturbed while she's reading or writing.

"What is it, Reiko?"

"You know what? Screw it! Gimme your book."

"What sickness do you have now to want to read a book?"

"What? No! I'm trying to stop YOU from reading!"

"Some friend you are ." Y/N rolled her eyes.

Reiko, her friend gave her an annoyed scoff, she knew Y/N was never gonna change, they were childhood friends after all, they knew eachother ever since they were six and now they're both 17 . You could imagine how much she's putting up with her bookworm girl friend.


The girls were literally swooning over their supposedly teacher, Y/N noticing this gave a disgusted look.

Was it apropriate to act in such way? He's a goddamn teacher!

"Ohh.. Is this the clsss I'll be supervising?" He spoke , and dear even the voice was enough.

"Yes sir!!" The class, especially the girls beamed. They couldn't believe god would give them such an attractive teacher.

On the other hand...


"Leave me alone, Reiko!"

"No! Seriously look up!"

"Huh??" She was slowly getting annoyed, following what her bestfriend said. She looked up after noticing the room's silence .

Her  eyes then refleced with dark gray ones. Now that she gave a good look at the new teacher . Her eyes went wide.



Their eye contact lasted for a few minutes, not knowing why but the two felt like they could drown themselves with each other's gaze.

So focused on each beautiful orbs, they didn't even noticed how the class started mumbling to one another.

"Ahh shit. There she goes again." One mumbled.

They could've looked into eachother's eyes more when suddenly the other teacher who came with Sano whispered something to him.

The moment the eye contact broke, Y/N bit her lower lip.

She didn't know why but her stomach and chest felt weird . Like a sudden warmth creeping to her veins and head . She held her forehead and her eyes widened again, feeling her skin awfully hot despite with the AC on.

"What is this.." She mumbled to herself , god it's the first time she felt these feelings but she already didn't like half of it. She hated it--

It burdened her.

"Y/N? What's wrong?" Reiko asked and tilted her head noticing her bestfriend seeming like being in a slight panic attack.

"Reiko..I -"


"I don't know.."

Y/N felt irked, being new to such feelings, she grit her teeth and clenched her hands closed.

'Fuck , I'm definitely searching what these symptoms are!'

"What was that earlier , Shin?" Wakasa asked, seeing his bestfriend's aura filled with flowers, unicorns and rainbows.


"Hey , Wakasa."


"I'm getting a girlfriend soon."

"Yeah, that's the 21st time."

"Fuck you, but I'm serious this time."

"What do you mean by that?"

The two went along their walk as Shinichiro smiled , those eyes which he cannot erase inside his head.

"I finally met her."

To be continued

The Ten Year Gap \\ 𝙎𝙖𝙣𝙤 𝙎𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙞𝙘𝙝𝙞𝙧𝙤 𝙁𝙖𝙣𝙛𝙞𝙘𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣Where stories live. Discover now