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The night wasn't done just yet. We still felt a little tispy and decided to go to my condo. We walked there since it wasn't far and enjoyed the cooling weather. While walking into the the building, Nathan rubbed his hands all over me, and plucked his finger up my dress. I swatted his hands away while enjoying the sounds of my laughter.

We waited for the elevator only for us to see the sign that was clearly written, 'out of order'

We laughed at our tipsy-minded idiotic selves and went to the stairs.

"How far up?" he asked.

"Far enough for me to not make it up there. My legs are tired." I groan.

Without any warning he lifted me up and carried me up all the flight of stairs. I giggled in his arms and pleased for him to not drop me. When we made it to my floor he placed me down and spanked my ass. "These are guns of a power. Don't ever underestimate them." he flexes his muscles. "Now hurry up and open that door. I want to eat your pussy near the pool."

Flushed I dug through my purse to find my keys.
Nathan ran his hands all over me and pushed his erection up against my backside. His hands travel to the front of my dress and cuffed my vagina. I shrieked in laughter and moaned when he rubbed my sweet spot.

"I'm growing impatient here Princess," he tells me.

My hands fell to the door as he shoved a finger inside of me. "I can't find the keys if you're doing this right here." I moan.

He stopped to lean over and kissed my cheek, then my neck. When I finally found my keys I unlocked the door and opened it. "Shh, Jess is sleeping." I whisper.

He follows me inside and I turn around to close the door, but halted when I see Chase standing near the doors that lead to the stairwells. How long was he there for? My heart skipped and declined to the pit of my ass when he made eye contact with me.

His expression was one I couldn't read. Too many emotions flared through his features.

"Come on. I'm getting hungry for something sweet and wet." said, Nathan before he pulled me against him and groped me. It was at that moment Chase had to look away.

I slowly shut the door and my forehead fell against the hard material.

Suddenly I lost all sexual drive that I had worked up and Nathan noticed. "Not feeling it anymore?" he asked. "What happened?"

"Nothing. I just got tired. That's all. Can we just sleep?"

He nodded but looked at me worried.

I ended up in Nathan's hotel room again the day after that. And you can only imagine what we spent the whole night doing. I cursed myself for my intrusive thoughts of thinking it was Chase who was on top of me or under me—better yet- devouring me.

As much as I fought to go against the thought, my mind was drawn to Chase and his despicable charm that I always seemed to love.

I wake up and stare at the ceiling, then next to me to see Nathan laying down naked. Glancing at the clock, it read eight fifty a.m.

"Shit!" I shout and hurry off the bed, Nathan woken up from my urgency.


"I am late for a meeting with the original property owner."

I rush to put my shirt on and my high-waisted jeans. I held my heels in my hand, my purse and rushed out of the hotel room. My hair was a mess still, and my makeup and is smeared from sex last night.

I jumped in my Volvo to rush home.

With my heels off still, I carry all my belongings out of the car. My foot is probably bleeding from the number of things I stepped on. I don't even think he picked up all the broken glass pieces from the other night.

Addicted To You (TO BE PUBLISHED) Where stories live. Discover now