I'm broken,
I'm dying Inside and nothings happened,
I'm hurting myself over the thought of what is to come at the end of this,
I'm terrified of this ending,
I'm terrified of this beginning,
I'm terrified of this feeling.
For I love you and you have climbed all my walls and found me.
You have shown me what love is and it hurts,
Because the second I mess up,
The second I say or do something wrong,
You'll leave.
And all my walls will be back up.
I don't know if I can hide behind them any longer,
Knowing how beautiful a life with you could be.
please don't make me hide away again,
please don't leave me.
Poems of a mended artist.
Poesíathis will be a part two to my other set of poems. please read them but they are not needed to understand these. These will be much sadder than my original ones usually.