03. 𝑪𝒐𝒎𝒑𝒍𝒂𝒊𝒏𝒕

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"Mr. Jeon, SI Min Yoongi wants to meet you," my smirk vanished at the mention of his name. Why did he come to see me?

"Okay, I'm coming," I responded, heading to my office. He was sitting inside, and upon seeing me and hearing me call his name, his smile faded.

"Oh, Jungkook, congratulations," I raised an eyebrow, questioning his statement.

"In history, a girl named Y/n filed a complaint against you. Get ready to be arrested for harassment," his words struck me.

"Hmm, what about evidence?" I sat down in my chair. He smirked, turning his phone towards me, revealing CCTV footage of me kissing the girl named Y/n L/n.

"And I have an arrest warrant," he declared, brandishing the handcuffs he had brought to apprehend me. I smirked and chuckled, "Hey, Mr. Min, perhaps you should go check your station. There might be a bomb or some gunmen waiting for you."

"Don't you dare, Jungkook," he seethed with anger.

"Well then, hyung, why don't you go and see?" I laughed manically. He dialed someone's number on his phone and rushed towards the exit.

Ah, how dare she file a complaint against me? You will regret this. I placed my head on the table, reaching for my phone to call someone.

"Yes, gather information on her," I ordered before ending the call.

Y/n's Perspective [ PoV ]

I didn't filed the complaint, it was Junghyun who filed the complaint, he is my cute and lovely boyfriend.

I am now walking with him, my hand is wrapped around his arm, he is smiling and playing with my hairs. I hate the last morning's incident, he took my first kiss.

Even my boyfriend didn't kissed me.

"Hey, who was the guy by the way?", her asked from me.

"Umm, maybe something like Jeon Jungkook.", I replied. His smile quickly fade away.

"My younger brother, I fucking hate him.", he said angrily. I just rubbed his arm, he looks at me and peak my forehead. I really got a cute and awesome boyfriend.

"Junghyun, when you're going to call my parents?", I asked, he held my chin and made me face him and smiled, "Today, they landed in India last night."

"That's nice, I love you Junghyun.", he smiled.

"I love you too, let's go home, maybe uncle and aunty like to meet you.", he asked with a smile.

I nodded, he smiled at me, when we both reached at his house, I saw the freaking guy, Jeon Jungkook walking in the garden, why don't police still arrested him?

"Oh, Miss Y/n.", he walks nearer to me, he is holding a cup of coffee in his hands, he smriked at me and said, "how was the kiss by the way?"

"Thinking about police?", he raised his eyebrow with a smirk, he take a sit on the bench in garden.

"I am rich enough to buy government.", he chuckled, siping on his coffee.

"Have a seat, Y/n.", He says, pointing beside him and was about to hold my wrist but someone yank his hand away quickly.

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