04. 𝑴𝒂𝒓𝒓𝒊𝒂𝒈𝒆 𝑭𝒊𝒙𝒆𝒅

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"Don't you dare to look at my girl friend, Jeon.", Junghyun shouts at him.

"Chill, I didn't looked at her, I just kissed her.", he smiled widely, taking a deep breath.

"This is why my parents hate you.", Junghyun comments and his smrik fade away and his eyes get dark.

"Ah, who want them to love me?", he smriked again and went in that beautiful garden back. Junghyun looks at my face and tug my hairs behind my ear.

"Ah, Y/n, let's go inside.", he said dragging me inside the house, I didn't get anything about what they're talking.

"Hey, y/n.", Junghyun's aunty said, her name is Jung Suzy, and his husband is Jung Jae-min. I smiled and greeted them.

"Hmm, you both sit.", aunty went to bring some snacks, as she put them on table and left with uncle towards their room.

"Hmm, y/n, my aunt cook so good.", he said showing me the cake she cooked for both of us.

"I only know to boil tea and wash dishes.", he laughed at my comment and cupped my face and peak my forehead.

I take a scoop of my ice-cream and take a bite, some noise can be heard from the garden.

"I want to kiss you.", he told me his feeling, yeah he didn't forced me for anything and he supported me, now tell me how can I just love him.

His hand went in my cheeks and his thumb rested against my lips, softly staring at my lips, he lean in to kiss me as I just closed my eyes, his soft lips touched mine and he start softly moving his lips. I regret losing my first kiss because of that Jeon.

I wrap my hands around his neck, he garb my neck and deepen the kiss. The kiss was so gentle and full of love and emotions.

"Ah, what did you gain by kissing her Junghyun? I am the one who took her first kiss.", he pull out when he heard the voice of his brother.

"Why?", he shouts in anger, standing up from his seat ready to punch him.

"Hey, Junghyun, let's go. Leave it. He is a freaking rascal.", I said, he nods at me and smiled and peak my forehead, Jungkook slide his both hands in his jeans pocket and walks towards stairs.

"Wanna watch something?", Junghyun asked, I nods and replied, "Tom and Jerry."

He looks at me and then play the Tom and Jerry on the television, it was so funny. Junghyun looks at me, then pulled me in a tight hug.

"Never leave me Y/n.", he said with a soft smile on his face, I smiled back. He peak my cheeks, I looks up in the balcany, I saw Jungkook, he is staring at both of us.

Why he have problem with me? he is just too much.

"Junghyun, I should go now.", but before I could stood up, my phone rang, I quickly pick it up, it was from my mom.

"Hey, y/n, how are you?"

"I am fine mom.", I smiled.

"Today someone came to our house for you marriage with their son. I am sending photo."

"what is the name mom?", I asked.

"Junghyun, he is korean as you wished."

I cut the call after a while, mom send me the photo back, it was my baby Junghyun. I smiled and said message as 'I am ready mom.'

"Y/n, now we can have a happy family.", Junghyun smiled.

Mom and dad didn't know that we both are in relationship, I will tell them, after going to India.

"yeah, I am so happy, mom said she will send me the marriage date.", I smiled and hug him tightly.

"Yeah baby.", he peak my lips as automatically my gaze went down, I am shy. He lift my chin up with his index finger and softly said, "Came wifie, I will drop you to your apartment."

"Yeah, sure hubby.", he laughed with me.

My gaze again went up to the balcany, he is still standing, looking at us, with his dark eyes, he quickly trun and then went inside a room, Junghyun look in the same direction as me.

"Don't worry, he will not do anything.", he said smiling.

"I wish.", I said lowering my gaze.

𝐌𝐀𝐅𝐈𝐀'𝐒 𝐈𝐍𝐃𝐈𝐀𝐍 𝐖𝐈𝐅𝐄 || 𝐉.𝐉𝐊 𝐅𝐅Where stories live. Discover now